Australian Kelpies For Sale
Auto indicates dogs that do not require approval from the seller.
Color Pic | Auto | Name | Owner | Pedigree | Sex | Color | Price | Dogs Beaten |
Yes | Nunkeri Season of Change | Kjelvik | S: Nunkeri Winds of Change D: Nunkeri River Nymph |
Dog | Blue w/Tan Points | $100 | 0 | |
Yes | Nunkeri Ivory Demon | Kjelvik | S: Nunkeri Dusk of Demons D: Nunkeri Wind in the Willows |
Dog | Cream | $100 | 0 | |
Yes | Iisonu Walking Shoes in London | jorgy | S: Londons Blue Generation 158 D: Iisonu Blue Suede Shoes |
Dog | Blue | $100 | 0 |