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Author Topic : AKC vs. other registries?
 Roaming Tazi Kennels
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9/6/2014 12:48:17 PM reply with quote send message to Roaming Tazi Kennels Object to Post   

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Curious if anyone here shows in UKC or other shows. My boy is working on his GCH now, but where I live shows I can travel to are few. Was wondering if going to other shows in between would be worth it? I would love the handling practice as well as multiple championship titles would be pretty swanky happy :) I hear UKC is more laid back but since I have a Saluki I am not sure how much competition I would find... is it worth the shot?

Ch. Baghdad Thief of Hearts "Azim"

Last edited by Roaming Tazi Kennels on 9/6/2014 12:48:43 PM
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9/6/2014 2:23:52 PM reply with quote send message to Object to Post edit post

I've shown in UKC a fair deal (American Pit Bull Terriers and Shiba Inus); it has its pluses and minuses, especially if you are showing a breed that isn't particularly common.

UKC is much more relaxed than AKC. I have seen people show their dogs in flip flops, t-shirts, and jean shorts. I have seen people show dogs that didn't look like they had been groomed. It's not something I was ever comfortable doing, and I'm sure the judges didn't *love* it, but there's an example of just how relaxed some people get, lol.

Around where I was (WA/OR), it was very common for people jump in and pinch hit when someone wasn't able to handle their dog for one reason or another.

For handling practice, especially if you don't have a ton of AKC shows or matches to attend, it's great. It gives you and your dog a low key, low pressure arena to work together on your presentation. It's definitely easier to get noticed in group and the BIS lineup than it is in AKC because UKC technically doesn't allow professional handlers. (That said, if it's a sport like dog shows, you will *always* eventually find the politics).

Having a less common breed like a Shiba was frustrating. In the years that I was heavily involved, I only ever saw another Shiba *once,* and it was the one weekend I didn't bring my b!tch. I finished her championship entirely from group placements, so if you don't end up finding competition in Salukis, you could do the same, but I would have liked to have some competition in the breed too, and it's why I didn't care to go for her grand, even though I was campaigning pit bulls and was at the shows anyway.

I definitely had fun, and really enjoyed getting group and BIS wins, but I haven't been back in a while and I'm not sure I'll ever return. I still found AKC more thrilling.

Anyway, if there are any near you, I'd recommend entering a weekend just for the hell of it, see if you like it. You can actually enter the day of the show, and they do two shows a day which is another plus--it's very possible to finish your boy in a weekend off of those group placements. And who knows, maybe Salukis are popular in your region (they weren't in WA/OR, alas).

Let me know if you decide to do it! Your boy is very handsome -- I'm sure he will do well if he goes!
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9/6/2014 2:31:55 PM reply with quote send message to ShoStopper Object to Post

Whoops! That was me timing out above!

Also want to add, that we did IABCA shows with the Shiba as well. They were just as relaxed as UKC shows, also held two shows a day, and I also finished her off of group placements in a weekend. The biggest plus about the IABCA shows (and something I wish that AKC would adopt, except that it would undoubtedly make the shows run even longer), was that the judge hands *every* dog a written critique. It's really interesting to see how the judge views your dog in his/her own words; you have a clearer understanding of what they were looking for, what they saw in your dog, and probably of why they placed your animal the way they did. As opposed to ribbons, you receive medals (at least they did when I went years ago), and by the end your dog looks like some sort of fuzzy Michael Phelps. This is very entertaining to children when you stop off at a restaurant on the way home.
 Roaming Tazi Kennels
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9/6/2014 5:04:19 PM reply with quote send message to Roaming Tazi Kennels Object to Post

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Thank you! Even at the AKC shows here in north Texas, I hardly ever find shows with enough entries to grab a major. While we did win a lot, I ended up sending him up into northern USA with a handler to get his second major. I am thinking UKC will be slim, however I really didn't think about the group placements getting him points. If it is in fact more common to get group placements, that might give us some hope lol.

I have heard that IABCA shows give critiques, and found that interesting. Are these shows very large, compared to AKC or UKC?

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer! Definitely gives me something to consider. They have about 4 shows a year within an easy driving distance from us.

ETA spelling :P

Last edited by Roaming Tazi Kennels on 9/6/2014 5:05:13 PM
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9/6/2014 5:29:01 PM reply with quote send message to ShoStopper Object to Post

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posted by Roaming Tazi Kennels
Thank you! Even at the AKC shows here in north Texas, I hardly ever find shows with enough entries to grab a major. While we did win a lot, I ended up sending him up into northern USA with a handler to get his second major. I am thinking UKC will be slim, however I really didn't think about the group placements getting him points. If it is in fact more common to get group placements, that might give us some hope lol.

I have heard that IABCA shows give critiques, and found that interesting. Are these shows very large, compared to AKC or UKC?

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer! Definitely gives me something to consider. They have about 4 shows a year within an easy driving distance from us.

ETA spelling :P

Last edited by Roaming Tazi Kennels on 9/6/2014 5:05:13 PM

Happy to help!

Oh believe me, you *definitely* have more than hope! He's a very nice dog -- it will not go unnoticed. Group placements were pretty easy to come by in my experience. Kimi literally never failed to place or win in group when I was showing her in UKC and IABCA, and we obviously didn't have that kind of career in AKC, lol.

All of the IABCA shows I attended were either equal to or smaller than the UKC shows. (Mostly smaller, but I haven't been to as many IABCA as I have UKC).

Another difference I should probably mention, although you have probably heard about it, is that UKC 100% eschews the use of grooming products (chalk, sprays, etc). I don't know how popular any of those products are in Salukis (I imagine you don't have to do a *ton* of grooming, lol), but it's worth noting. I showed Kimi completely au natural.

Also, not all UKC judges allow the use of bait, so you always check before you go in the ring. They usually write "bait ok" or "no bait" on a little whiteboard outside the ring.

It sounds like it would be worth your while to a hit a few of those. You will have a good time for sure! I find it really helps cut those dog show cravings!

Last edited by ShoStopper on 9/6/2014 5:30:29 PM
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9/8/2014 8:53:25 PM reply with quote send message to Phlossy Object to Post

I show with ICKC (international canine kennel club) as well as AKC. I had some "eh" experiences with the only UKC show I went to, and there aren't a lot of them around where I live. There's tons of ICKC shows where I live, however. I've had great experiences with ICKC. happy :)
 Slipping Shadows
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9/8/2014 9:44:29 PM reply with quote send message to Slipping Shadows Object to Post

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We've gone to AKC, UKC, and IABCA shows. IABCA was fun, but I wouldn't put much faith into the critiques. You don't need competition for titles, as it is all based solely on how the judges feel your dog fits the standard, but you can certainly place in group or higher. Breed, groups, and BIS are split into open, puppy, and BBE competitions. The titles you can earn go on forever too. BUT you have to pay for each title on top of the shows entries. Good practice for sure. Be prepared to hang around most of the day. Not the most organized on my experience.

*Evidently I can't spell tonight.

Last edited by Slipping Shadows on 9/8/2014 9:46:08 PM
 Treestand Kennel
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9/8/2014 11:11:19 PM reply with quote send message to Treestand Kennel Object to Post

No clue on shows, just wanted to say how beautiful your boy is!!
 Astoria Kennel
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9/9/2014 10:44:24 AM reply with quote send message to Astoria Kennel Object to Post

I've shown in AKC for almost 9 years now, originally starting as a junior handler.
I have entered my GWP bitch in one day (two shows) of UKC that was very close to home - I didn't show there sat/sun as I had an AKC show to go to.
I enjoyed the UKC show, definitely more relaxed, there isn't a real schedule as far as timing and knowing when you'll go in the ring - which I dislike.
The show started at 1 pm and both shows finished about 6:30 pm, however with only about 40 dogs there, I feel they should have and could have been finished much earlier. It was a lot of sitting around and waiting for me, since I didn't know anyone.
I will say, politics are involved in UKC as well. My GWP bitch is VERY nice, yet she was beat in the group both times by an average GSP whose owner was involved in the club and had a booth set up there and was chit chatting with the judge between shows. I don't really care, since my only goal is to obtain her UKC Ch and more ring exposure, however, I know UKC people complain about AKC politics - they're everywhere in all venues.
I hope to make it to another UKC show to finish her title - and I do like the day of show entries compared to AKC, but AKC still remains my venue of choice. I also hope to make an IABCA show as well, but no luck yet.
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9/9/2014 12:34:30 PM reply with quote send message to Object to Post edit post

posted by Astoria Kennel
I've shown in AKC for almost 9 years now, originally starting as a junior handler.
I have entered my GWP bitch in one day (two shows) of UKC that was very close to home - I didn't show there sat/sun as I had an AKC show to go to.
I enjoyed the UKC show, definitely more relaxed, there isn't a real schedule as far as timing and knowing when you'll go in the ring - which I dislike.
The show started at 1 pm and both shows finished about 6:30 pm, however with only about 40 dogs there, I feel they should have and could have been finished much earlier. It was a lot of sitting around and waiting for me, since I didn't know anyone.
I will say, politics are involved in UKC as well. My GWP bitch is VERY nice, yet she was beat in the group both times by an average GSP whose owner was involved in the club and had a booth set up there and was chit chatting with the judge between shows. I don't really care, since my only goal is to obtain her UKC Ch and more ring exposure, however, I know UKC people complain about AKC politics - they're everywhere in all venues.
I hope to make it to another UKC show to finish her title - and I do like the day of show entries compared to AKC, but AKC still remains my venue of choice. I also hope to make an IABCA show as well, but no luck yet.

This critique is pretty much spot on in my experience. There is a ton of sitting and waiting and if your primary venue is AKC you start to notice how much quicker you're done and out, and how much more organized AKC shows are, especially considering how many dogs are entered. I'd have loved set ring times but that's part of the trade off for day of entries, I imagine.

There's absolutely politics. I noticed them over and over in my UKC tenure. With the Shiba I was also just there for ring exposure and a title, and with the apbts I just looked at it like, well, just l
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9/9/2014 12:39:40 PM reply with quote send message to Object to Post edit post

posted by
posted by Astoria Kennel
I've shown in AKC for almost 9 years now, originally starting as a junior handler.
I have entered my GWP bitch in one day (two shows) of UKC that was very close to home - I didn't show there sat/sun as I had an AKC show to go to.
I enjoyed the UKC show, definitely more relaxed, there isn't a real schedule as far as timing and knowing when you'll go in the ring - which I dislike.
The show started at 1 pm and both shows finished about 6:30 pm, however with only about 40 dogs there, I feel they should have and could have been finished much earlier. It was a lot of sitting around and waiting for me, since I didn't know anyone.
I will say, politics are involved in UKC as well. My GWP bitch is VERY nice, yet she was beat in the group both times by an average GSP whose owner was involved in the club and had a booth set up there and was chit chatting with the judge between shows. I don't really care, since my only goal is to obtain her UKC Ch and more ring exposure, however, I know UKC people complain about AKC politics - they're everywhere in all venues.
I hope to make it to another UKC show to finish her title - and I do like the day of show entries compared to AKC, but AKC still remains my venue of choice. I also hope to make an IABCA show as well, but no luck yet.

This critique is pretty much spot on in my experience. There is a ton of sitting and waiting and if your primary venue is AKC you start to notice how much quicker you're done and out, and how much more organized AKC shows are, especially considering how many dogs are entered. I'd have loved set ring times but that's part of the trade off for day of entries, I imagine.

There's absolutely politics. I noticed them over and over in my UKC tenure. With the Shiba I was also just there for ring exposure and a title, and with both her and the apbts I just looked at it like I do in any venue: I always know that when my dogs win it's on their merits and not because "people know me."

 Roaming Tazi Kennels
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9/9/2014 3:06:22 PM reply with quote send message to Roaming Tazi Kennels Object to Post

Thank you all for your responses! I figured that there is politics in any venue, but to be honest most of the time I only hear how UKC has far less drama. I guess I will have to attend a few to find out for myself. But now I have a few more solid ideas on what to expect and how to approach it. Didn't know some judges won't allow bait but will let you know beforehand! Some do that in AKC but you typically don't know unless you watch the judge beforehand or you get called out in-ring wink ;)
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9/9/2014 9:44:31 PM reply with quote send message to Featherrun Object to Post

Depending on your location, you can also LC your Saluki and get Total Dog honors. Shows like Gateway in MO and Premier in MI have total dog events. Gateway will also have an all-Sighthounds specialty which is lots of fun and usually great prizes.
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9/10/2014 6:46:28 AM reply with quote send message to Spyte Object to Post

posted by Featherrun
Depending on your location, you can also LC your Saluki and get Total Dog honors. Shows like Gateway in MO and Premier in MI have total dog events. Gateway will also have an all-Sighthounds specialty which is lots of fun and usually great prizes.
Do you know when the all-Sighthound specialty is? Would love to try to go.
 BayRidge Kennels
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10/25/2014 1:27:14 AM reply with quote send message to BayRidge Kennels Object to Post

The specialty will be in june the usually the weds before Fathers day (UKC) The premier ( UKC's Westminster) also has dock jumping ,agility, Lure coursing, obed nose work and rally .. This is the one time when Pre entry is a must (minus specialties).You can always go to and go to upcoming events.. There are tons of shows and the people are amazing. I myself have been showing AKC and UKC since I was a baby.. I also judge for UKC and ICKC
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10/25/2014 6:25:34 AM reply with quote send message to lespiritbrittanys Object to Post

My puppy will be showing in UKC (Epagneul Breton)

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