
Thank you ADA happy :)

Thank you Stylish happy :)

Quick SOP link.

Hello and welcome. I'm hoping that any questions you may have can be answered in my kennel slogan, but if you ever have any other questions please feel free to email me and ask me!

I really don't have any current news, but I am the #12 breeder in Samoyeds. And I may be starting in SWDs, but I'm not quite sure...

I don't keep any Berners under a 94 SOP.
I'm not really focused on this breed, but I'm keeping a few to show and breed...

This is the breed I'm currently focused on.
I don't keep any Sammies with less than an SOP of 91.5.
Most of my Sammies have a 10 in gait, and I'm trying to breed temperament into my Sammies.

I try and keep most of my boys up for stud. Usually not more than $100. I know I don't really enjoy large stud fees, and I'm sure other players don't either wink ;)

Puppies are available at 10 days of age.
If you'd like to reserve a puppy, please email me, and we'll work it out.
If I use a stud, the stud owner, gets 2nd pick of the litter. After that, it's first come, first serve laugh :D

I have two champions currently!
Ch. Rou Crystal Clear Sky
She finished on June 13th, 2007. (She was my first Ch!)

My first HOMEBRED champion was...
Ch. BernLo In My Shadow
She finished on July 3rd, 2007.
Currently she is the number 9 Samoyed!

Once you buy the dog, it is your's. An offer back, is appreciated but not nessacary.
My dogs are usually for sale for only $100.

Thanks for stopping by! Remember, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!
Oh, and I do make banners. I made my dividers. If you'd like to talk about making banners, please email me, and we can work something out wink ;)

Have a GREAT day!!!

-My CC's-
These are the ones that have been given to me by other users happy :)

This is my common CC. Anybody can have it, but please email me if you are planning to use it happy :)

Thank you Reesa!

This page was last updated: July 20th, 2007.

None at this time.

None at this time.

None at this time.

Retirement Couch
None at this time.
General Info
Prestige: 0.0 (#5,878)
Location: USA
Signed Up: 6/27/2006
Account Level: Basic
Last Visit: 6/22/2011

Forum Activity

Dogs at Stud
Upcomming Litters