Close To Home Kennels

- Thanks Malaro Kennels for the banner. -

^ Made by me.

** Currently ranked 10 out of all Aussie Kennels. And we're not done moving up! **

Still hoping color comes soon. <3.

Please please please! Pay attention and read through what is written below.

My Policy.

It is my policy to breed the best I possibly can. My current SOP standard is about 96.5 and I send all puppies under that to a happy home with a loving family, Yes that means if they don't sell I Forever Home them. I will still maintain a few champions for breeding stock that may fall below that standard because they have either shown a fabulous cycle of offspring or I'm trying to elevate a certain breed trait that they possess.
The Puppies may be sold at 10 days, usually I wait until they're at least 12 days or so. Once you buy the dog. I don't care what you do with it, abondon it, take care of it, sell it, breed it, give it to a hobo. I don't care. happy :)

Please do not offer on dogs unless they are listed FOR SALE!


Hey and welcome. I moved my things from one account to this one. Maybe you know me! happy :)

But anyways. I breed Aussies. And I am starting on Labs.

I love to get advice from different breeders. Help me out! happy :)

FH below 96.5
Show 97+
FH below 96.5-97
Show 97.2+

All quality dogs will be up for stud as soon as they're 30 days old.

Quick SOP Link:

Have a nice day. happy :)

None at this time.

None at this time.

None at this time.

Retirement Couch
None at this time.
General Info
Prestige: 0.0 (#175,248)
Location: USA
Signed Up: 7/25/2008
Account Level: Basic
Last Visit: 12/26/2008

Forum Activity

Dogs at Stud
Upcomming Litters