Olde Tyme

Olde Tyme
Striving to breed the highest quality Jack Russel Terriers.

Sales Policy & Prices
Once you buy a dog from me, it's yours.
Do with it what you will.
Although, I do appreciate an effort to finish any dog you buy, since most out of my kennel are finishable.
My prices range from $100-$200, with $250-$300 being a rare possibility.

Since I breed an awful lot, I usually end up with the need for a finisher.
If your interested, send me an E-Mail and, we can probly work something out.

Have a nice day

None at this time.

None at this time.

None at this time.

Retirement Couch
None at this time.
General Info
Prestige: 0.0 (#493,395)
Location: Not Listed
Signed Up: 11/28/2008
Account Level: Basic
Last Visit: 11/10/2009

Forum Activity

Dogs at Stud
Upcomming Litters