Swedish Meatball Kennels

All graphics made by me. Sources are either from www.flickr.com (Creative Commons), www.sxc.hu or www.findthebesthere.com

No new news at this time...check back later for updates!

All males will be put up for stud at day 30, regardless of SOP. If I can't use them for my breeding plan, maybe you can. If you see a male that you would like to use, and it is not up for stud, please send me a message as I have probably just forgotten to put him up. Studs will ALWAYS be up for $100 with no approval.

No champs as of yet, as right now I am ONLY focusing on breeding and not showing anything unless I get something really show worthy. Hopefully soon!!

Really, I have no policy. If I sell you a dog, it's yours, do what you want with it. You do not have to tell me if you sell it or if you FH it (altho maybe a little message letting me know IN CASE I did want it back would be nice--it's not expected). Feed it whatever you want...Top Dog, Super Duper, nothing at all...it's all up to you. Once you buy it, it's yours.
*At the moment, I am not selling to basics. I do not see the point in selling a starter/early Gen to a basic. Exactly what can they do with these horrible dogs? Once the breed is established a little more, I will be more than happy to sell to anyone, including basics.

General Collector's Card...feel free to take if you want!

None at this time.

None at this time.

None at this time.

Retirement Couch
None at this time.
General Info
Prestige: 0.0 (#1,909)
Location: Not Listed
Signed Up: 3/16/2007
Account Level: Basic
Last Visit: 1/2/2015

Forum Activity

Dogs at Stud
Upcomming Litters