Welsh Springer Kennels

Banner made by Soft Brook Kennels, if you want a banner i recommend soft brook kennels


and Welcome to my kennel, here i breed a golden retrievers like some other kennels

Kennels I recommend:

Szyszas33 ( she was very helpful when i was starting off
Everdale Goldens ( Helped me get started in breeding golden retrievers and also gave me great tips and great golden retrievers lol and i'd recommend her as a clown for kids lol she good for a laugh)
GraveDigger Kennels ( I recommned her for brilliant, top quality golden retrievers
GoldRiver ( Also has Brilliant top quality dogs

Thanks to all of you, you have all helped me start off whether it was to show me the basics or just give me dogs, you still helped

My Males:

Al my males are placed up for sale at $250 and are studing at the age of 30 days they studding for $100 ( all of them ).
All my males are sessioned and are then entered in competitions.
i am planing to make them to reach SOPS to 100.00.

My Females:

My Females are placed up for sale $300 as they can have puppies, and all of my females are sessioned and entered it competitions unless they are pregnant
and i am trying to reach them to SOPS of 100.00.

My puppies:
All my puppies are placed up for sale for $200 and are only placed up for sale when they are 10 days old, if you wish you can PM me and ask me to reserve a pup for you, until they are 10 days old

Thanks once again Szysza33, Everdale Goldens, GraveDigger Kennels and GoldRiver for helping me start of breeding golden retrievers.

And Feel free to check out my kennel

Heres another banner, Made by PPvallhunds

None at this time.

None at this time.

None at this time.

Retirement Couch
None at this time.
General Info
Prestige: 0.0 (#676,181)
Location: Not Listed
Signed Up: 8/25/2009
Account Level: Basic
Last Visit: 8/30/2009

Forum Activity

Dogs at Stud
Upcomming Litters