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Author Topic : Wild Rainbow Lorikeets?
 Eagles Wings Kennels
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12/2/2006 12:19:19 AM reply with quote send message to Eagles Wings Kennels Object to Post   

I want to know what the wild Lorikeets are in Australia... I have a pet one named Rayme (named because she sings to us, and we wanted to incorporate music and Rainbows into one name, so the "rainbow" part comes in "Ray" and the music part comes in where her name sounds like "doe - RAY - ME"wink ;)
Here's some pictures of her happy :)

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12/2/2006 12:27:56 AM reply with quote send message to StarsnStripes Object to Post

yes we do have them wild, in fact, I have one in a tree in a picture...somewhere on this machine lol...but yes, we call them Rainbow Lorikeets too

 Eagles Wings Kennels
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12/2/2006 2:17:16 PM reply with quote send message to Eagles Wings Kennels Object to Post

posted by StarsnStripes
yes we do have them wild, in fact, I have one in a tree in a picture...somewhere on this machine lol...but yes, we call them Rainbow Lorikeets too


That's so cool... are they friendly, like do they just come up to you and eat out of your hand? I've seen videos on youtube of that :P
 Action Dog Agility
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12/2/2006 2:27:54 PM reply with quote send message to Action Dog Agility Object to Post

I luffers Raymerazz :pThat little biter lol
 Eagles Wings Kennels
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12/3/2006 2:12:41 AM reply with quote send message to Eagles Wings Kennels Object to Post

posted by Action Dog Agility
I luffers Raymerazz :pThat little biter lol
She's a celebrity ROFL She's vicious... *rawr*
She's making cute little whistle noises right now happy :)
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12/5/2006 2:45:39 PM reply with quote send message to StarsnStripes Object to Post

most of them are actually wild :P

The more friendly ones are Rosellas, they are similar in shape and size, but all red

 Eagles Wings Kennels
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12/5/2006 3:07:41 PM reply with quote send message to Eagles Wings Kennels Object to Post

posted by StarsnStripes
most of them are actually wild :P

The more friendly ones are Rosellas, they are similar in shape and size, but all red


Yeah, I know the ones in Aust. are wild.. that's why I wanted to know about them happy :)

Oh, the Rosellas are nicer than the Rainbows? LOL... Rayme can be a little bratty sometimes too, LOL

She's on my hand right now actually... eating my braclet. :P
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1/7/2007 9:22:07 PM reply with quote send message to showpoodle Object to Post

Oh yeh, they come to my backyard everyday and feed on my grevilleas and bottlebrushes! Do you live in Sydney?!
 Eagles Wings Kennels
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1/7/2007 9:26:52 PM reply with quote send message to Eagles Wings Kennels Object to Post

posted by showpoodle
Oh yeh, they come to my backyard everyday and feed on my grevilleas and bottlebrushes! Do you live in Sydney?!
Nope, I live in the United States - Texas, to be specific. I have her as a pet happy :)
 BRK Dobermans
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1/7/2007 11:28:11 PM reply with quote send message to BRK Dobermans Object to Post

She's beautiful!

I love wet birdy pictures.
I have always wanted a lori, but was told they had a complicated diet. I don't know much about nectar diets. What do they eat besides nectar?

We have a greenwing Macaw,But I'd like to add a second feathered friend someday.

~Mandy BRK
 Eagles Wings Kennels
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1/8/2007 4:40:40 PM reply with quote send message to Eagles Wings Kennels Object to Post

posted by BRK Dobermans
I have always wanted a lori, but was told they had a complicated diet. I don't know much about nectar diets. What do they eat besides nectar?
They do have a complicated diet. The nectar I feed my Lory is a powder you mix with water. She has Nekon brand Lorikeet food, the most expensive of course LOL, and 2 different kinds of vitamins that are also powdered and get sprinkled on top of her food or water (a multi-vitamin for general health and a plummage vitamin to make her feathers brighter). She also gets MANNNNNY different kinds of fruits, including her favorites the apple, mango and pear... and she gets occational vegis like carrots and broccoli. She can also have fruit juice/nectar you get from the store (but you have to make sure it's 100% juice with low sugar and all that jazz, etc).
So yes, we spend a little on her food! LOL
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1/16/2007 9:56:51 PM reply with quote send message to Luxedo Object to Post

As far as I know it is illegal to export our native wildlife.
A lot of birds and eggs are smuggled out of our country with many many fatalities.
We have the strictest laws in the world regarding wildlife smuggling.
How many birds died for you to have your little birdy?
Please think very carefully BEFORE buying Austalian birds, and do your research first.
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1/16/2007 10:00:31 PM reply with quote send message to Luxedo Object to Post

Oh and buy the way, we have a thriving Rainbow Lorikeet community here in St. Kilda along with many Sulpher Crested Cockatoos, it's lovely for an inner city suburb.
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1/18/2007 6:05:52 AM reply with quote send message to me__0021 Object to Post

I live near the 'Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary' where everyday they have mass lorikeet feedings.
Check out

We have a healthy community in our area that come and get drunk on the pollen in our back yard. They certaibly came be noisy little buggers, especially early in the morning!

 Eagles Wings Kennels
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1/18/2007 12:53:58 PM reply with quote send message to Eagles Wings Kennels Object to Post

posted by Luxedo
As far as I know it is illegal to export our native wildlife.
A lot of birds and eggs are smuggled out of our country with many many fatalities.
We have the strictest laws in the world regarding wildlife smuggling.
How many birds died for you to have your little birdy?
Please think very carefully BEFORE buying Austalian birds, and do your research first.

Honestly, that was a little rude to say, in my opinion.
So are you saying our closest family friend exported her birds directly, killing most of them?
The truth is, there are lots of Lorikeet breeders in the United States. They were exported a long time ago - most of the Lories here are now BRED in the US in captivity.
I did do my research first. In fact, this family friend/Lory breeder has a huge facility with about 10 Lories (and canaries too, but WAYY more than 10.. they are in a different area) in bigbigbig aviaries for her precious breeder birdies. She treats them EXTREMELY well (even though those breeder-raised birds aren't too tame or nice to her! lol), feeds them only Nikkon brand food with 3 or 4 types of vitamins (nikkon brand as well - that's the best and most expensive you can get. I also feed this). Before I got Rayme I worked for this breeder, cleaning up and feeding the birds. I saw many new arrivals. They were very healthy and came from OTHER BREEDERS in the area. She raises her birds as a hobby for the purpose of being loved pets, not for the money. I know for a fact she would NEVER export.
Maybe it IS illegal to export Australian wildlife. That is a good thing, considering those wild Lories can be such a pest (wink ;)) and the contitions they are taken in. BUT, that isn't what most breeders today do.
Maybe you should do your research before bashing me and my beloved, non-exported, captively bred baby.

Sorry if this sounded harsh, but your post did too.

Anyways. LOL
 Eagles Wings Kennels
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1/18/2007 12:56:29 PM reply with quote send message to Eagles Wings Kennels Object to Post

posted by me__0021
I live near the 'Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary' where everyday they have mass lorikeet feedings.
Check out

We have a healthy community in our area that come and get drunk on the pollen in our back yard. They certaibly came be noisy little buggers, especially early in the morning!


Wow, that's amazing! I would love to see that.
If I could visit anywhere in the world, it would definately be Australia to come see my birdie's 32960784th cousins :P LOL

Rayme can be very loud when she wants, too :P But when she eats, she just mumbles things. It's very cute.
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1/18/2007 7:42:28 PM reply with quote send message to Luxedo Object to Post

I am not saying your closest friend who bred your birdy smuggled it in and I apologise if it happened to sound like that, however, that would have been how they originally came into your country.
Bird Smuggling isn't as prevellent as it used to be because breeders have their stocks now and the smugglers wouldn't be able to fetch such high prices for them on the black market.
 Snow Country
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1/18/2007 8:08:00 PM reply with quote send message to Snow Country Object to Post

Awww Rayme! Echo says he wants to meet Rayme. Hes making weird cooing/chirping mummbling sounds as he attacks his toy right now. LOL
I think tiels are from Australia. Not sure. sad :(

I think it would be awesome to go to Australia.

 BRK Dobermans
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1/19/2007 12:03:57 AM reply with quote send message to BRK Dobermans Object to Post

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posted by Snow Country
Awww Rayme! Echo says he wants to meet Rayme. Hes making weird cooing/chirping mummbling sounds as he attacks his toy right now. LOL
I think tiels are from Australia. Not sure. sad :(

I think it would be awesome to go to Australia.


Yes, they are from Australia. I love thier parrots. My favorite is the Black Palm Cockatoo. Here in the states you can't buy one any less then $8,000.00 I paid $2,000.00 for my parrot. I can't imagine $8,000!!! That is why the black market still exsists today...

On the upper side of things though...if it were not for smuggling, we would not have some of the species here today. There are more captive Hyacinth Macaws, then there are in the wild. Due to loss of habitat and predation by the native tribes. They use thier feathers in ceromonail head dresses. There are organizations that keep captive parrots feathers (after molting) to send to these tribes in hopes they will stop killing them.

 Eagles Wings Kennels
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1/29/2007 10:27:35 PM reply with quote send message to Eagles Wings Kennels Object to Post

posted by BRK Dobermans
posted by Snow Country
Awww Rayme! Echo says he wants to meet Rayme. Hes making weird cooing/chirping mummbling sounds as he attacks his toy right now. LOL
I think tiels are from Australia. Not sure. sad :(

I think it would be awesome to go to Australia.


Yes, they are from Australia. I love thier parrots. My favorite is the Black Palm Cockatoo. Here in the states you can't buy one any less then $8,000.00 I paid $2,000.00 for my parrot. I can't imagine $8,000!!! That is why the black market still exsists today...

On the upper side of things though...if it were not for smuggling, we would not have some of the species here today. There are more captive Hyacinth Macaws, then there are in the wild. Due to loss of habitat and predation by the native tribes. They use thier feathers in ceromonail head dresses. There are organizations that keep captive parrots feathers (after molting) to send to these tribes in hopes they will stop killing them.

Hyacinth Macaws are absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Even just a picture of one and I melt, and sit there for hours just staring at it.
I got the pleasure to hold a beautiful, loveable Scarlet Macaw at a bird expo (where I got Rayme!). It was the SWEETEST thing ever. It was adorable. I got her on my arm, and she edged up to my shoulder and leaned on my head (I was sorta freaked out, because I know what such a big beak can do to you, but I stayed calm so that wouldnt happen!! LOL), then she fluffed up and mumbled stuff like "I love you sweetheart", "your a good girl. what a baby girl.", "You want some yum-yum?", "Say hello for me", "hey missy-missy" and so much more. Then she crawled down and grabbed on to my jacket, and rubbed her head under my neck - then she actually said "can I have a hug, I would like a hug". Her breeder said that she does that all the time. So I hugged the sweetie of COURSE (who wouldn't?? That was the most adorable thing on the face of the earth!), and she fluffed up and just sat there, sometimes mumbling some random words.
And there was an african grey that actually wasn't listed as tame at the breeder's stand, but he kept telling me to "come here. Hey you, come here. Come here." so I went over and said "hey sweetie, what are you doing?" and - get this - he said "nothing." isn't that amazing??? He wouldn't answer anything else, but that was just unreal.
I love going to bird expos. Even just visiting a breeder's house. My Lorikeet's breeder only has Lories of course, and some canaries (she likes her colorful birds, LOL), so she doesn't have much talking around her house. Lories can say a couple things, but they aren't known for talking - Rayme is a GREAT talker for a Lorikeet. Most don't even talk at all, only mimic sounds.
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2/7/2007 6:21:39 PM reply with quote send message to Mumble123 Object to Post

She's so beautiful,i wish i had one.
~*The Not Australian Sabrina*~

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