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Author Topic : Do you believe in the fox-hunting ban? - Post here
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12/18/2006 3:28:23 AM reply with quote send message to Kenswick~Manor~Kennels Object to Post   

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I think that it is a ban made by people who have never participated in the sport, so therefore don't have a clue what they are talking about!happy :)

 Cleary Farm Kennels
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12/18/2006 4:07:11 AM reply with quote send message to Cleary Farm Kennels Object to Post

I love the ban, I have participated in sport. I have been riding since I was six. I don't see the problem in the ban what-so-ever. Personally I think what you have wrote is rather biased.
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12/18/2006 4:21:00 AM reply with quote send message to Kenswick~Manor~Kennels Object to Post

I'm sorry that you think that I am being biased. I was just sharing my opinon on a certain topic which I have based my livelyhood on.

 Cleary Farm Kennels
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12/18/2006 4:38:39 AM reply with quote send message to Cleary Farm Kennels Object to Post

Exactly what I meant when I said biased - we are all in entitled to our opinions.
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12/18/2006 3:30:35 PM reply with quote send message to Tyr Object to Post

The ban should not have happend,it was first and formost to win election votes.
The mangey disease ridden pests are mainly urban
A couple of years ago I found a fox or rather it found me,so ill it was it came right up to me,not how a wild creature should behave. So I took it a local vet,who started going on about sending it a sanctury to get better, I asked if it would be kinder for the fox if it were p.t.s. oh we can't do that he said,so presumably they got it better to be released from were it had been picked up,to start its sorry life again.
Now in my opinion what happoned to that fox is alot worse than hunting it would ever have been.
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12/18/2006 4:26:16 PM reply with quote send message to tomcat1 Object to Post

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Personally, I don't see the big fuss in banning fox hunting. I don't understand the -sport- in hunting down a creature so it can be ripped to shreds at the end of the fun.

With regards to people who claim fox hunting is their livelyhood. I'm sorry but that -excuse- doesn't cut it with me. I live on Jersey, a small island in the english channel. Hunting happens here. We have no foxes.

Here we drag hunt. Same skills needs, still need hounds, still need houndsment, grooms and all other people traditionally employed in grooming, with one subtle difference - NOTHING is ripped to shreds at the end.

I do realise foxes can be pests. BUT I know there are far more humane ways to get rid of them then chasing them for miles and letting dogs rip them to shred, so their last moments on earth are spent in blind terror.
 Cleary Farm Kennels
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12/19/2006 3:07:14 AM reply with quote send message to Cleary Farm Kennels Object to Post

posted by tomcat1
Personally, I don't see the big fuss in banning fox hunting. I don't understand the -sport- in hunting down a creature so it can be ripped to shreds at the end of the fun.

With regards to people who claim fox hunting is their livelyhood. I'm sorry but that -excuse- doesn't cut it with me. I live on Jersey, a small island in the english channel. Hunting happens here. We have no foxes.

Here we drag hunt. Same skills needs, still need hounds, still need houndsment, grooms and all other people traditionally employed in grooming, with one subtle difference - NOTHING is ripped to shreds at the end.

I do realise foxes can be pests. BUT I know there are far more humane ways to get rid of them then chasing them for miles and letting dogs rip them to shred, so their last moments on earth are spent in blind terror.

EXACTLY! The only wiled animal we should be able to kill are crows - (they peck baby lambs eyes out) and (eat little hamster-like-things called foals).
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12/19/2006 3:10:35 AM reply with quote send message to Kenswick~Manor~Kennels Object to Post

posted by Tyr
The ban should not have happend,it was first and formost to win election votes.
The mangey disease ridden pests are mainly urban
A couple of years ago I found a fox or rather it found me,so ill it was it came right up to me,not how a wild creature should behave. So I took it a local vet,who started going on about sending it a sanctury to get better, I asked if it would be kinder for the fox if it were p.t.s. oh we can't do that he said,so presumably they got it better to be released from were it had been picked up,to start its sorry life again.
Now in my opinion what happoned to that fox is alot worse than hunting it would ever have been.

Well Said!

 angus my golden retriver
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12/20/2006 1:10:24 PM reply with quote send message to angus my golden retriver Object to Post

I think fox hunting isn't good as my uncle took me along once .Big mistake I watched as the dogs ripped the fox open! I think using stuffed or clay foxes is more humane(sorry if its a sp)
Though I don't want to cause a bit fight it's my personal opinion
 Kitt Coty
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12/20/2006 4:57:58 PM reply with quote send message to Kitt Coty Object to Post

I don't agree with hunting however it sadly was a political issue.There is no concern for the welfare of the fox as shooting is allowed.This now means that many foxes are shot at night and the bodies collected in the morning.Many shot foxes are left injured all night this can't be right.There have also been shooting accidents where there have been humans injured and I think in a couple of cases killed.
It was an ill thought out ban that was directly aimed at what the government deemed to be a certain 'class'of people and that is why I am against it.
I would certainly like to have seen shooting banned after all we are supposed to have a ban on hand guns.
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12/24/2006 1:41:25 AM reply with quote send message to jaydee16 Object to Post

My personal view is that I don't mind about the hunting either way as it doesn't affect me, but I would like to know what has happened to all the packs of hounds that used to hunt. These dogs are raised as pack animals and are therefore not really suitable to be rehomed. Are they all languishing in kennels somewhere? what happens when they get too expensive to keep or are not wanted now that they can't be used?
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12/24/2006 2:51:51 AM reply with quote send message to Kenswick~Manor~Kennels Object to Post

The hounds get shot.
The beautiful horses get shot.
All of the animals that are used in a hunt will be mistreated and shot.

And all the so called 'animal lovers' pushed for this ban and they are killing more animals than what they have prevented.

We try to rehome all the animals but no 'animal lovers' and possible owners will come forward, so they all get shot.

 Cleary Farm Kennels
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12/24/2006 4:01:18 AM reply with quote send message to Cleary Farm Kennels Object to Post

posted by Kenswick~Manor~Kennels
The hounds get shot.
The beautiful horses get shot.
All of the animals that are used in a hunt will be mistreated and shot.

And all the so called 'animal lovers' pushed for this ban and they are killing more animals than what they have prevented.

We try to rehome all the animals but no 'animal lovers' and possible owners will come forward, so they all get shot.


Now the hunting animals have died. (Most of the dogs were killed, by a humane injection. Unless the farmer decided to kill them himself - shooting them), (Horses would have mostly been rehomed, the rest humane injected unless the farmer decided against it and shot them himself.)

And by pushing the ban it will prevent more dogs and horses having to run for miles all the time. It will prevent foxes becoming extinct. It will prevent rabbits been shredded alive. It will prevent the animal kingdom's natural life-cycle - What would animal's King Steve Erwin (sp?) think of this, I reckon he wouldn't be a supporter...
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12/25/2006 3:23:36 AM reply with quote send message to gr8_dane_kennels Object to Post

I know used to help at a kennels for hounds and where I was all the hounds were shot because the lethal injection is expensive if the animal is not suffering. All the neighbouring kennels had their dogss shot too. The horses were shot as well. I don't want to cause a fight but the majority of the animals will be shot.

P.S Please don't use the angry face because I've seen that cause bad fights.
happy :)
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12/25/2006 6:27:41 PM reply with quote send message to Tyr Object to Post

Posted by Kenswick~Manor~Kennels
The hounds get shot.
The beautiful horses get shot.
All of the animals that are used in a hunt will be mistreated and shot.[\b]
Foxhounds are shot when they are no longer able to hunt effectivly,the reasons being
1) they are in a pack enviroment with experienced kennel men looking after them,although hounds by nature are loyal to their masters,to be given to a pet owner would be a disaster to happen.Also you have to consider,when they bark, they bark,not aceptable if you have neighbours.
2) they are not house dogs and would find indoor living quite stressfull.
As for the horses,not only hunters die more flat racing horses die on the gallops than hunters are shot.
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1/4/2007 2:47:43 AM reply with quote send message to Kliazma Object to Post

Hhhm, please don't have a go at me for my opinion.
Warning, I have VERY strong opinions.
I am totally against fox hunting and completly FOR the ban. I don't understand why foxes are treated so cruely. What have they ever done to you other then kill what they have to in order to survive. Other animals do it, you don't see them being hunted down, mauled and then shot.
Imagine this, you're a tiny little defenceless, beautiful creature, just trying to get food for your kids and family. On the way there, you hear dogs barking, hoofs thrashing against the ground and horns being blown. You now the signs, you do what only you can do... run. You keep running but the dogs are just to quick. You are left severly injured, if not dead on the ground, in an area you would call home.
I just don't think thats fair at all. As for it being a tradiontal sport, I find that's no excuse for murduring innocent lifes.
These animals can't even explain themselves or fight back!
Those horses won't have been rehomed, the majority of owners will just do something else with them, hopefully, in my opinion, humane, unlike this blood-thirsty sport known as hunting.
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1/4/2007 7:50:26 AM reply with quote send message to HBchampcolliekennels Object to Post

posted by Kliazma
Hhhm, please don't have a go at me for my opinion.
Warning, I have VERY strong opinions.
I am totally against fox hunting and completly FOR the ban. I don't understand why foxes are treated so cruely. What have they ever done to you other then kill what they have to in order to survive. Other animals do it, you don't see them being hunted down, mauled and then shot.
Imagine this, you're a tiny little defenceless, beautiful creature, just trying to get food for your kids and family. On the way there, you hear dogs barking, hoofs thrashing against the ground and horns being blown. You now the signs, you do what only you can do... run. You keep running but the dogs are just to quick. You are left severly injured, if not dead on the ground, in an area you would call home.
I just don't think thats fair at all. As for it being a tradiontal sport, I find that's no excuse for murduring innocent lifes.
These animals can't even explain themselves or fight back!
Those horses won't have been rehomed, the majority of owners will just do something else with them, hopefully, in my opinion, humane, unlike this blood-thirsty sport known as hunting.

I have the same opinions as Kliazma, please dont have a go at me either im meerly posting my opinion. I can see why people like hunting, but i just dont think its right.

Anna happy :)
 Cleary Farm Kennels
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1/4/2007 8:08:30 AM reply with quote send message to Cleary Farm Kennels Object to Post

posted by HBchampcolliekennels
posted by Kliazma
Hhhm, please don't have a go at me for my opinion.
Warning, I have VERY strong opinions.
I am totally against fox hunting and completly FOR the ban. I don't understand why foxes are treated so cruely. What have they ever done to you other then kill what they have to in order to survive. Other animals do it, you don't see them being hunted down, mauled and then shot.
Imagine this, you're a tiny little defenceless, beautiful creature, just trying to get food for your kids and family. On the way there, you hear dogs barking, hoofs thrashing against the ground and horns being blown. You now the signs, you do what only you can do... run. You keep running but the dogs are just to quick. You are left severly injured, if not dead on the ground, in an area you would call home.
I just don't think thats fair at all. As for it being a tradiontal sport, I find that's no excuse for murduring innocent lifes.
These animals can't even explain themselves or fight back!
Those horses won't have been rehomed, the majority of owners will just do something else with them, hopefully, in my opinion, humane, unlike this blood-thirsty sport known as hunting.

I have the same opinions as Kliazma, please dont have a go at me either im meerly posting my opinion. I can see why people like hunting, but i just dont think its right.

Anna happy :)

Don't be scared about people having a go at you. It is your opinion. And I personally think the same opinion as you and in my eyes we are right...
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1/4/2007 1:06:35 PM reply with quote send message to gr8_dane_kennels Object to Post

I think everyone is getting heated up about peoples opinion. But its only their thoughts and people should be allowed to post what they feel without causing a fight. I personly love hunting and still hunt as we did before the ban was past, but saying that I can understand ,and see where other people are coming from, who strongly disagree. So why don't we all make friends and not cause any other fights but just let people post their thoughts?
 Diamonte Kate Kennels
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1/4/2007 1:10:36 PM reply with quote send message to Diamonte Kate Kennels Object to Post

posted by gr8_dane_kennels
I think everyone is getting heated up about peoples opinion. But its only their thoughts and people should be allowed to post what they feel without causing a fight. I personly love hunting and still hunt as we did before the ban was past, but saying that I can understand ,and see where other people are coming from, who strongly disagree. So why don't we all make friends and not cause any other fights but just let people post their thoughts?
That is illegal...
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1/4/2007 1:11:38 PM reply with quote send message to Kenswick~Manor~Kennels Object to Post

I'll make friends with whoever wants to be my friend - after that probaly no-one sad :( -
Sorry if I upset anyone - I really didn't mean to.

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