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Author Topic : Dog attacks
 Keavine Dobies
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10/2/2007 7:34:41 AM reply with quote send message to Keavine Dobies Object to Post   

Im so angry......watching the news today....a five year old got attacked by her 2 pet rotties.....I have to ask why was the child allowed to play outside with the dogs on her own?? Where is the parental supervision????

I have a dobe and a rottie and trust them with my life - But everyone knows you should never leave a child alone with a dog!!!!
Now due to poor ownership these dogs will probably get put down - I have to say the dog I saw on the news looked in poor condition - almost like the poor thing was being starved - skinniest rottie I have ever seen - The poor dog was probably being mistreated and lashed out.

Also its not just dogs that attack - I had a man attack my 6 month old rigeback puppy - she escaped the garden when my hubby and I were out - This guy said she barked at him so he attacked her with pruning shears - she was so badly beaten the police had to put her down (rather inhumanely).
Thispuppy wasnt even knee high - and she escaped with my dobie - wouldnt you think a dobie was scarier than a tiny pup??
Obviously this guy had a few screws loose.
With people like him around no wonder dogs want to lash out at moron humans
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10/2/2007 9:21:34 AM reply with quote send message to gillydia Object to Post

very sorry over what happened...
its very very sad..
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10/13/2007 1:08:19 AM reply with quote send message to Rijbakluva Object to Post

I feel so soorry for your little Ridgeback pup sad :(
 Jessie and Kellys Collies
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10/13/2007 2:23:12 AM reply with quote send message to Jessie and Kellys Collies Object to Post

sad :(

I am so sorry about your puppy - I would attack him with pruning shears and say it was in self defence; although I doubt you can stoop as low as he did...

sad :(
 Keavine Dobies
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10/14/2007 4:35:27 PM reply with quote send message to Keavine Dobies Object to Post

If police werent at my house that day we would of hit him over the head a few times with something bigger than the pruning shears.......but karma will sort him the fact that we still know where he lives 4 years later....His son is a friend of my cousins and he no longer speaks to his father for killing our pup so thats pleasing for us to hear!!
 Arkadian Utopia
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11/26/2007 10:51:21 PM reply with quote send message to Arkadian Utopia Object to Post

Did anybody elsehear about the young woman in Perth who was mauled by two Bull Mastiffs?
The dogs were being starved, the owner had just gone on holidays and left three adults, one of which had suckling pups.
The woman heard one of the pups screaming and jumped the fence to help, two of the addults rushed her, draged her away from the fence and tore at her face, troat and arms.
The police tried to tazer the dogs but when they continued to attack the woman the had to shoot them.
Doctors only just managed to save her arm and nearly a week later she is still in intensive care.
The one dog who didn't participate in the attack has been rescued by the RSPCA allong with the two pups, saddly one of the pups died soon after being rescued.
It was terrible when I saw the adult who'd been rescued, she was all bone, you could have circled her entire waist with your bare hands and her ribs looked like a xylophone.
The police havn't decided wether to prosecute the owner or not, but I think they should at LEAST charge him with animal cruelty.
I'm not sure why the dogs attacked like they did, posibly protecting their territory, maybee they saw her as prey because they were so hungry.
I just hope that the woman will be OK, and that the police charge the owner to the hilt, for ever allowing the situation to develop where a stranger had to try to rescue somebody elses starving dog.
People who can just up and leave three dogs and pups souldn't be dog owners, I'm not even sure the can be classed as human.
 BMK Kennels
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11/27/2007 4:32:06 AM reply with quote send message to BMK Kennels Object to Post

Once again another case of complete ****heads who shouldnt own dogs let alone be breeding them!!

It is such a shame that the woman who was mauled by these dogs died - Its something any dog lover would of done - to try and rescue the crying pups and for her to loose her life it horrible.
 BMK Kennels
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11/27/2007 4:33:02 AM reply with quote send message to BMK Kennels Object to Post

I just double checked my post - and then read the one before - I hope this lady is still in intensive care as thats better than her dying which is what I heard on the news
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11/27/2007 7:35:18 AM reply with quote send message to 123-abc Object to Post

I know is I saw ANYONE attacking chino (chi pup) I would get molly (Dane) on him...
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12/16/2007 11:08:17 PM reply with quote send message to xoxodogloverxoxo Object to Post

that is so sad about your ridgeback and all those other stories. I have a ridgeback of my own and she wouldn't hurt anyone unless she was pretecting me, she is a sweet thing.

my old dog was a doberman she was also a sweety anyway we had this weird neighbour who would buy dogs but then forget about them, he wouldn't feed them clean them give them water etc. so they would get into our yard and we would look after them, he didn't care until one day when he went off at me and my mum then the next day our doberman got really sick so we took her to the vet and i don't no what they did but they found out that she had eaten some poisoned meat. She died a week later sad :( we didn't no if it was our crazy neighbour who did it and we wtill don't but we moved about a week later and sued him for animal cruetly. We know the people that bought our house so whenever we go around there we have noticed that he doesn't have any more of any animal which is good because people like him don't deserve a kind hearted animal.
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12/19/2007 9:51:39 PM reply with quote send message to MzMaree Object to Post

 golden tlc kennel
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12/20/2007 7:56:43 AM reply with quote send message to golden tlc kennel Object to Post

OMG! i hate people! (mean people)!!
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12/21/2007 6:47:40 PM reply with quote send message to The_angel_bear Object to Post

Those dogs should be taken away from them!! Nothing should be treated like! Even if they are misbehaved! That child is cruel!
 Home of the Staffies
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1/4/2008 5:37:07 PM reply with quote send message to Home of the Staffies Object to Post

posted by Keavine Dobies
Im so angry......watching the news today....a five year old got attacked by her 2 pet rotties.....I have to ask why was the child allowed to play outside with the dogs on her own?? Where is the parental supervision????

I have a dobe and a rottie and trust them with my life - But everyone knows you should never leave a child alone with a dog!!!!
Now due to poor ownership these dogs will probably get put down - I have to say the dog I saw on the news looked in poor condition - almost like the poor thing was being starved - skinniest rottie I have ever seen - The poor dog was probably being mistreated and lashed out.

Also its not just dogs that attack - I had a man attack my 6 month old rigeback puppy - she escaped the garden when my hubby and I were out - This guy said she barked at him so he attacked her with pruning shears - she was so badly beaten the police had to put her down (rather inhumanely).
Thispuppy wasnt even knee high - and she escaped with my dobie - wouldnt you think a dobie was scarier than a tiny pup??
Obviously this guy had a few screws loose.
With people like him around no wonder dogs want to lash out at moron humans

That's so sad! sad :(
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1/4/2008 6:44:26 PM reply with quote send message to combs2 Object to Post

that is soo sad that man had no busness atacking your puppy and its true never leave a child alone with a dog but if the dog was a puppy wouldnt it be ok i mean its a puppy so i think puppies are pretty close to being harmless and i do think your right a dobie is more scary than a ridgeback puppy that is once again so sad
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2/1/2008 8:41:34 PM reply with quote send message to Object to Post edit post

Just putting in my 2 cents worth, but early last year I was watching a British show called It's me or the dog,about a dog behavioralist named Victoria Sillwell.She had one case where a family called her in because one of their two cocker spaniels had bitten one of their little girls.
she gave them a solution, helped them to begin cureing the dog, and it was working!
But the father was rather lenient in what she had told him to do (the basic problem was that the dog beleived that it was the top dog and so, had the responsibility to "dicipline" his "pack"wink ;)
the result of this was that the dog continued to belrive this and ended up put down after it seriously mauled another of their daughters, tearing her arms, belly and just mm under her throat.How many of these dogs that are put down for dog attacks are "disiplining" their pack or defending themselves? little children poke at eyes, climb into the dogs bed, try to take the dogs food, push it off of "it's" chair... any of these things can make a dog take a bite at you, all for good reason to his mind, and if the victim was an adult, the bite would probably be only a superficial one, but on a child this ends up at head hight and the damage can be fatal.
How many dogs have problems that could have been prevented if everybody understood "dogspeak"? and that dogs are still (at least in heirachy) wolves?
How many children might have been spared death or serious injury if so many people would stop treating dogs as little people?
For my part, I would trust my dog with a child of any age, any day; but I wouldn't trust a child under say, six or eight, with him alone. As well behaved and trustworthy as he is, I wouldn't trust a child not to misinterprit his plain "dogspeak" and get told off for it.
Getting back to the cocker spaniel, I feel that the councils who seek to stop dog attacks by banning "dangerous dogs" should take a step back and realise that ALL dogs have the potential to be dangerous and that any dog (whith the exeption of those such a Pommerienians and Chuwhahas, who are just too small) are capible of being killers.
Instead of trying to bann dangerous dogs, they should bann DANGEROUS OWNERS!!! I have included a data table of dog attack info and the breeds most often invloved...

As listed for purebred dogs in order of frequency
Staffordshire Bull Terrier-40,776
Jack Russell Terrier-40,178
German Shepherd Dog-35,711
Border Collie-32,647
Australian Cattle dog* (includes Heeler and Smithfield cattle dog)-28,850
Fox Terrier (smooth)-23,092
Golden Retriever-20,397
Australian Kelpie-16,532
Tenterfield Terrier-16,488
Cavelier King Charles Spaniel-15,072
 Arkadian Utopia
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2/1/2008 8:44:40 PM reply with quote send message to Arkadian Utopia Object to Post

As continued from above (sorry ran out of room LOL)

Shih Tzu-13,026
Australian Silky Terrier-11,816
Cocker Spaniel-11,786

for more info please go to
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2/1/2008 8:48:35 PM reply with quote send message to JoeNJackies Object to Post

There has been I believe a Pom kill a newborn.

Anything is possible.

people suck.
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2/1/2008 10:51:27 PM reply with quote send message to PuppyPal4Ever Object to Post

posted by
As listed for purebred dogs in order of frequency
Staffordshire Bull Terrier-40,776
Jack Russell Terrier-40,178
German Shepherd Dog-35,711
Border Collie-32,647
Australian Cattle dog* (includes Heeler and Smithfield cattle dog)-28,850
Fox Terrier (smooth)-23,092
Golden Retriever-20,397
Australian Kelpie-16,532
Tenterfield Terrier-16,488
Cavelier King Charles Spaniel-15,072

Wait, okay, Labs, Golden Retreivers? Their supposed to be the all american dogs!
Ummm...Maltese King Charles? That's insane!

Oh my gosh, this is insane!
 Arkadian Utopia
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2/4/2008 9:49:55 PM reply with quote send message to Arkadian Utopia Object to Post

I know i was a bit suprised too, that's why I thought I'd show you guys.
Getting back to owner responcibility, look at this.
the first bit is the type/circumstances of the attack, the next is the number, then the % of all dog attacks that fall under that catogory

Total number of reported attacks=873
Number of attacks involving children=102-11.7%
Number of attacks involving adults=377-43.2%
Number of attacks involving animals=336-38.5%
Number of attacks involving livestock=84-9.6%
Number of attacks occurring in a public place=520-59.6%
Number of attacks occurring on private property=258-29.5%
Number of attacks where it was unknown where it took place=95-10.9%
Number of attacks where dog was not under control of owner=121-13.9%
Number of attacks where dog was allegedly under control=687-78.9%
Attacks where unknown if owner was present or in control=65-7.4%

78.9% of attacks occured WHILE THE DOG WAS "UNDER CONTROLL"!!??
 Arkadian Utopia
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2/4/2008 10:03:45 PM reply with quote send message to Arkadian Utopia Object to Post

But only 13.9% while the dog was not under control?
Makes you wonder doesn't it?
Isn't that the basis of the "dogs must be on a leash at all times" type of rule (excluding the politeness of controlling your dog and its own safety)?
How could a dog securely held at the end of a strong leash constitute over 70% of attacks?
How irresponsible are the owners??
I know with my dog, for instance, when I take him to a park, he gets to run arround off the leash, but if I notice a dog that might cause a problem (or a family with a picnic, he scrounges a bit if I'm not there to stop him) then I call him over and put him on the leash till we're past them, then he can go loose again.
If there are children who might get scared by him (since sometimes he can be so happy to play with a child (he REALY loves kids) that he races straight over, and being a megium sized dog, can easily scare young chidren, though it's mostly the parents who get worried)then I'll just call him to my side or tell him to leave them, and he does.
Now I'll be the first to admit that Digger is hardly supper trained, I only ever bothered teaching him what he absoulutely needs to know (sit, drop, stay, come, heel, leave it/them, jump/up and that's about it) but he is always under my control if something should happen.
And that's while mostly running loose, how could somebody whith a "controlled" dog (and I am assuming that controlled means on a leash since councils don't agnknowlage that a loose dog is under control) end up with their dog attacking somebody?
If the dog was a giant breed, perhaps they could pull their owner allong....
But I've carried on long eneough
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Did you know?
A conformation dog show is not a comparison of one dog to another but a comparison of each dog to a judge's mental image of the ideal breed type as outlined in the individual breed's breed standard.