Obedience Trial Entries

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Dog/Bitch Owner Breed
TAVs Lil Sleeper TALORSHIA AVALANCHE American Staffordshire Terrier
Bearonwolf Blue Tigwer Bearonwolf Cane Corso
Bearonwolf Starlight Bearonwolf Cane Corso
GuBraths TwistNTurn GuBrath Kennel English Cocker Spaniel
BarStar Spindrift Adventure Melancollies English Setter
Anakie Queen of Arkay Anakie Keeshond
BK F*** °° ÏT °° UP °° SÏS.! Boodie Kennels Shetland Sheepdog
Shelkeys Stargazing Willow shelkeys Shetland Sheepdog

Did you know?
A conformation dog show is not a comparison of one dog to another but a comparison of each dog to a judge's mental image of the ideal breed type as outlined in the individual breed's breed standard.