All Norwich Terrier Kennels

Rank Username Contact Last Visit
1 Model A Kennels send a message to Model A Kennelssend message 3 hours ago
2 Leotyde Kennels send a message to Leotyde Kennelssend message Not Listed
3 Orsodoro send a message to Orsodorosend message 2 hours ago
4 sundance send a message to sundancesend message 9 hours ago
5 chestara send a message to chestarasend message 9 hours ago
6 Kwicherbichen send a message to Kwicherbichensend message 8 hours ago
7 Tabriz send a message to Tabrizsend message 12 hours ago
8 Lunas Moon send a message to Lunas Moonsend message 3 hours ago
9 Justify send a message to Justifysend message 2 hours ago
10 Jitterbug send a message to Jitterbugsend message 2 hours ago
11 Newwave send a message to Newwavesend message Not Listed
12 Sardonyx 3 send a message to Sardonyx 3send message 10 days ago
13 Celliwig send a message to Celliwigsend message 12 hours ago
14 Zimbrel send a message to Zimbrelsend message 5 hours ago

Did you know?
A conformation dog show is not a comparison of one dog to another but a comparison of each dog to a judge's mental image of the ideal breed type as outlined in the individual breed's breed standard.