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Author Topic : Chat Feature
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11/28/2020 11:11:13 AM reply with quote send message to DetroitKennel Object to Post   

Is there a way to turn off or opt out of the new chat feature. It makes navigating the site on an iPhone extremely jumpy and glitchy.
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11/28/2020 12:32:50 PM reply with quote send message to admin Object to Post

I got rid of it. Nothing but complaints about it.
 Blue Moon Collies
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11/28/2020 1:37:51 PM reply with quote send message to Blue Moon Collies Object to Post

This is why we can't have nice things.
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11/28/2020 1:42:41 PM reply with quote send message to BarStar Object to Post

posted by Blue Moon Collies
This is why we can't have nice things.
Id love a chat feature. But, that one kept popping up every few page clicks and I didnt see a way to close it.

 Pearl City
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11/29/2020 2:20:08 AM reply with quote send message to Pearl City Object to Post

I liked the chat option! I don’t mind new things add into this game, as long as it’s properly done. Even though it was a test run, it was very glitchy and not at all compatible on the phone. Had the bugs been worked out, it would have been a fun feature.
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11/29/2020 7:31:49 AM reply with quote send message to admin Object to Post

It's been implemented the exact same way on Showcattle.
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11/29/2020 5:59:09 PM reply with quote send message to Object to Post edit post

Admittedly, I'm not a big chat fan but I understand that some folks enjoy it. I find the forums and email adequate for my needs. That said, if Admin wants to give it another go I'll give it my support.

Could we not have an on/off switch? Those who want it can have it and even choose when they want it.

Perhaps it can launch in another Window. I use a computer, not a phone so I don't know how that works but even so I did find it a bit intrusive on the laptop.

Actually I'm not sure how anyone plays this game on a "phone" - but anyway. My minimal experience with chat tells me that if I am using a chat session, I can't be playing the game at that moment - just two eyes and they both point the same way at any one time - lol. Now a voice chat . . .

It needs to be off to the side so we can see if there is anything going on and yet still be able to do whatever we need to do with the game itself.

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11/29/2020 6:01:50 PM reply with quote send message to gaylanstudio Object to Post

Now, if you could just lengthen the idle time so we don't get logged out while we are typing our literary "Classics". Lol! That would be nice!
 Pearl City
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11/29/2020 6:37:47 PM reply with quote send message to Pearl City Object to Post

I play this game entirely on my phone. The chat feature when it was test run, kept popping up on my screen without me even clicking on it, like every 5 second, it would show up on my screen. It prohibited me playing the game, that’s why I said it wasn’t compatible on the phone.
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11/30/2020 6:01:13 AM reply with quote send message to admin Object to Post

Like I said guys, we tried but didn't get anything but complaints about it here so I removed it.

It's implemented on Showcattle the exact same way and the response has been dramatically different. It's just not right for this site.

It's not a big deal, it's been removed. It wasn't a free chat either, actually saves me money to just drop the issue.
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8/9/2021 8:10:43 AM reply with quote send message to Bitmouth603 Object to Post

Nice thread and important discussion...You should share for more people to join...

Jell Research chems

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