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Author Topic : Kennel Slots?
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4/9/2021 7:26:47 AM reply with quote send message to residential3 Object to Post   

Hey guys, looking for better ideas. How do you divide your kennels?
 Clwyd Cockers
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4/9/2021 3:27:49 PM reply with quote send message to Clwyd Cockers Object to Post

From top to bottom:

GCh Wannabe
Bronze Dam
Brood Bitches
Show Dogs
Show Bitches
Pregnant Broods
For Sale

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4/9/2021 8:35:00 PM reply with quote send message to gaylanstudio Object to Post

Most of the time I try to keep them in their birth groups as it is an easy reference to their sire and dam. If I have multiple breeds I will sometimes divide them by breed and/or gender. I'm flexible!
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4/9/2021 8:37:11 PM reply with quote send message to DetroitKennel Object to Post

Session Pups
If I have a color project going I will have sections for that as well. But I keep it relatively simple.
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4/9/2021 9:54:12 PM reply with quote send message to Wickised Object to Post

I initially was trying to bring back lost colors in the Mudi, so I started separating by color. I still do that because I don't want to get trapped into only having fawns and dilutes again. If those colors start to get too numerous in my kennel, I know that's where I FH first (even if slightly higher SOP). It's too hard to bring back dominate colors to risk losing them again.
 Pearl City
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4/10/2021 1:25:28 AM reply with quote send message to Pearl City Object to Post

From top to bottom:

1. Showing - Specializing
2. Showing - Finishing
3. Sessioning - Adults
4. Sessioning - Puppies
5. Broods Bitches - Adults
6. Brood Bitches - Future
7. Studs
9. Selling - FH
10 and on are for small projects like source breeding or color breeding. But at the moment I’m not doing that in this kennels but am in others. I’m very ocd about my kennel runs, and need them to be specific.
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4/10/2021 3:11:23 AM reply with quote send message to Object to Post edit post

Sessioning Dog
Sessioning Bitch
Unfinished Dog
Unfinished Bitch
Finished Dog
Finished Bitch
GCH Bitch
Max 5 dogs per run, bar brood and retirement.

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4/12/2021 12:19:42 PM reply with quote send message to ambertal Object to Post

I have mine split like this -

Performance Dogs

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Did you know?
The largest and most prestigious dog show in America is the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, was established in 1877 and is held annually at Madison Square Garden in New York City.