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Author Topic : Ibizan Kennel Closing
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Posts : 37

3/25/2024 9:27:15 AM reply with quote send message to Zazzle Object to Post   

Ibizans Reached 100% so I did what I aspired to do. No where to go after they hit 100%

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3/25/2024 10:50:14 AM reply with quote send message to Orsodoro Object to Post

Big congrats on getting the breed up to 100!
 Double S Kennel
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4/11/2024 4:13:15 PM reply with quote send message to Double S  Kennel Object to Post

Do you have any other colours besides the White Short hair?
 Alchemy Ibizans
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Posts : 79

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4/11/2024 7:35:27 PM reply with quote send message to Alchemy Ibizans Object to Post

posted by Double S Kennel
Do you have any other colours besides the White Short hair?
They don't. I am working on this in a few of my other kennels for the reds.

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The second obedience title is a CDX, or "Companion Dog Excellent", which is earned through competition in the Open obedience class.