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Author Topic : Bulk feeding tool not working
Premium Member
Posts : 17

6/27/2024 6:46:32 AM reply with quote send message to Frostyland Object to Post   

The bulk feeding tool isn't working. I tried to change all dogs over 120 days to Super Duper Adult and they are all still getting Show Dog Special!
 Clwyd Cockers
Premium Member
Posts : 3,000+

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6/27/2024 10:13:14 AM reply with quote send message to Clwyd Cockers Object to Post

It’s working for me.
I just changed a dog food from PH for Show dogs to PH for Adults.


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The Kennel Club (UK) system, which is also used by the Australian National Kennel Council[1] and in other countries, is considered the most difficult to earn a title under.