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Author Topic : True Source Update - July 2024
 Rossett Spaniels
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Posts : 500+

7/3/2024 11:06:31 PM reply with quote send message to Rossett Spaniels Object to Post   

After true source breeding for 18 years, I’m still not near show quality.

This is my best, up to now.

Show quality is 97.9 to 98.1 at this point.

 Caulfeilds Kennels
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Posts : 368

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7/3/2024 11:08:26 PM reply with quote send message to Caulfeilds Kennels Object to Post

posted by Rossett Spaniels
After true source breeding for 18 years, I’m still not near show quality.

This is my best, up to now.

Show quality is 97.9 to 98.1 at this point.

This is in Caulfeilds not Rossett. I opened a new window to make sure I had the SS correct. ( eye roll)

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Did you know?
The sit for exam is a modified version of the Stand for Exam. It is generally used in novice level classes and requires the handler to order the dog to sit and then to move away from the dog the length of the leash. The judge will then approach the dog and pet the dog's head.