
.com Forum · Thai Ridgeback

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Author Topic : Back Again :)
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12/11/2011 5:15:08 PM reply with quote send message to Analeyn Object to Post   

Hi All,

I don't know how long you have all been in this breed, but I used to own the kennel Pendrosia, which went quiet at the start of this year (RL issues!)

However, I am back again, in this kennel.
I am trying to find room for Thai's, whilst having 3 other breeds!

I went back into my old Pendrosia kennel, and bought 3 bitches and 2 males into this kennel. There is 1 male still in Pendrosia, and I changed his stud fee to $25 for you to use.

The studs in this kennel are up, for $100 as It cost me to bring them into this kennel. I may reduce that later.

It seems that their SOPs aren't too far off the top ones of the breed, which is interesting! Anyway, I bred the 3 bitches and will see what I get. They will likely be FHed if their offspring are nice.
If anyone wishes to reserve/wants to purchase one of their puppies (if they produce well) then just let me know. Any decent ones will be put up for public sale.

I will see what I can do in terms of re-upgrading Pendrosia for a wee while to see if I am able to reclaim some older dogs (I've had a look, some are really nice!)

Seems that the weakness showing through is Forequarter, Hind and TN&B. I am aiming to work on breeding those out, and also keep the 20.0 showshine as I believe thats important.

What other projects is everyone doing right now?

I apologise for the long thread!

Look forward to getting back into the breed as much as I can.

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Posts : 8

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12/15/2011 5:18:39 PM reply with quote send message to Tweed Object to Post

Glad to see someone else in the Thais! I'm working on bringing in some old bloodlines since all of my pups came from the one bitch that was for sale when I started. They were on the fast track to becoming inbred flipper puppies :P I'm also bringing in more fawns just because I think its a pretty color.

My highest SOP dogs are 60-61 so it should be easy to catch up. I'm the only one showing and I mostly just fill up a show and don't add handlers. I would be thrilled if someone used some handlers and kicked my butt! I just want to be sure there are majors available for those who want them.

If anyone wants to get started and needs some broodies or stud prospects just PM me! I'm happy to share.
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Posts : 93

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2/2/2012 1:44:13 AM reply with quote send message to hardcourser Object to Post

hello from hardcourser,this will be my 4th byte of playing the site i,ve selected thais this time.i don,t know much about the breed at the moment,would some friendly folk offer advice or infomation please

Replies in this thread : 2

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Did you know?
A specialty show is a dog show which reviews a single breed, unlike other dog shows, particularly conformation shows, which are generally referred to as "all-breed" because they are open to all breeds recognized by the sponsoring kennel club.