bringing starter blood up to show quality
mixing with current show quality
opening up the gene pool
1-2 sop under current show quality

Showing mostly and bringing all
Chat d'hiver Lekkies up to 100

Now at Z generation!

CH Tatcha de la chat d’hiver Belgian Laekenois
CH Valeria de la chat d’hiver Belgian Laekenois
GCH CH Yasmina de la chat d’hiver (BIS) Belgian Laekenois
CH .LYNX Shake It Off Komondor
New Puppy #6 (btd) Belgian Laekenois
Xylia de la chat d’hiver Belgian Laekenois
Ziara de la chat d’hiver Belgian Laekenois
.LYNX On the Up and Up Komondor
JANEKE 91.55 Komondor
KATIANA 91.4 Komondor
KEILA 92.6 Komondor
KIRA 87.45 Komondor
MARIANA 95.0 Komondor
New Puppy #4 Komondor
New Puppy #4 Komondor
New Puppy #4 Komondor

CH Urajiro de la chat d’hiver Belgian Laekenois
CH Wilbur de la chat d’hiver Belgian Laekenois
CH Willis de la chat d’hiver Belgian Laekenois
GCH CH Xavi de la chat d’hiver (Grp2) Belgian Laekenois
Xander de la chat d’hiver Belgian Laekenois
.LYNX Highly Memorable Komondor
.LYNX Turn Up the Bass Komondor
JAREK 92.85 Komondor
JAVIR 90.55 Komondor
KAROL 93.3 Komondor
KEVIN 96.6 Komondor
KOFFI 95.75 Komondor
LÁSZLÓ 95 Komondor
LUMI 95.6 Komondor

By Ch Wilbur de la chat d’hiver out of Xylia de la chat d’hiver.
(9 days)
Yeva de la chat d’hiver (Bitch) Belgian Laekenois
By .LYNX Highly Memorable out of .LYNX Muzzle Flash.
(10 days)
New Puppy #6 (Dog) Komondor
New Puppy #2 (Bitch) Komondor
By .LYNX Flash of Genius out of Aldeberan Ruby.
(10 days)
New Puppy #2 (Bitch) Komondor
By .LYNX Flash of Genius out of KIKO 93.45.
(13 days)
New Puppy #3 (Bitch) Komondor

Retirement Couch
GCH CH Théo de la chat d’hiver Belgian Laekenois
GCH CH Tinti de la chat d’hiver Belgian Laekenois
GCH CH Uma de la chat d’hiver Belgian Laekenois
CH .LYNX Close to Home Komondor
CH .LYNX Every Last Bite Komondor
Sharette de la chat d’hiver Belgian Laekenois
General Info
Prestige: 62.4 (#201)
Location: Not Listed
Signed Up: 9/18/2020
Account Level: Standard
Last Visit: 9/16/2024
Forum Activity
"Belgian Laekenois BIS"
3 replies | 9/5/2024

"Poor Guy"
5 replies | 8/24/2024

Upcomming Litters
KEILA 92.6
Due 9/21/2024 to KOFFI 95.75
CH .LYNX Shake It Off
Due 9/21/2024 to Aldeberan Fire and Ice