A.F Border Collie Kennel

Welcome to A.F Border Collie Kennel!

We've been showing and breeding quality Border Collies for almost a year.


The only dogs that I put on OLD BOY is retired dogs that are no longer showing. Please if you purchase any of my dogs DO NOT feed them old boy until you retire them.

Some other things I would apprechiate from you as a buyer would be:

1. Please notify me if you need to sell or FH a dog you bought from me. Whether I bred it or not.

2. If it is a full grown dog (over 30 days) when you bought it please tell me if or when you breed it.

3. If I allow you to buy one of my brood bitches please, once you are done breeding her notify me so I can buy her back.

4. If you are a basic and HAVE NOT been playing on showdog for more than 1 month offer $300 on the dog you are planning on buying.

5. Please session and show the dogs you buy from me. Most of them have the potential to champ so please strive to succed that goal.

6. Don't retire any dogs you buy from me with out me giving you permission, I may just want them back to breed.

If you use one of my studs:

1. Allow me second pick of the litter.

2. DO NOT breed to a starter dog

3. If they produce a good pup stud allow me to use him once or twice.

When reserving a puppy:

1. Please send me an email saying puppys number. days old, sire and dam, and what you would like the name to be.

2. All of my puppies names begin with ROCKINS so expect that to be infront of its name you want.

3. I may reject some names and ask for a new name, please do not be upset or insulted. It may not make sence to me and I just need you to explain it or it may be similar to another dog I bred and I don't want people mixing them up.

4. Please do not back out on it.

5. If the dog is absolutly poor quality I will offer for a better dog. If I don't have a better dog from that litter I will look through other litters and still give you a pup with your selected name.

6. Please Keep me updated every few weeks on how its showing. If it champs or scores anything in OB or breeds a well pup. Please just tell me. I would greatly apprechiate to see how my pups are doing after they leave my kennel.

Some things we do here:

I make banners and etc. with adobe photoshop. If you would like to see my work I will glady send examples to you. If you have any ideas or constructive critisizm I would like to hear it. All my banners are currently being made for free.

We show in conformation and in obediance classes.

Our highest breed SOP is 96.5.

I'm trying to get as many 10's as I can. I so far have 10's in Size, Temperment, Feet, Head, Gait, Hind Quarter, Fore Quarter. Right now I'm just trying to get a 10 in Coat.

I haven't champed a dog in a while. I lost my interest in SHOWDOG. But I'm backing and am trying very hard to get into showing again. But I may switch to obediance full time IF it starts to count toward prestige.

Thats all for now! Thanks for visiting us happy :)

None at this time.

None at this time.

None at this time.

Retirement Couch
None at this time.
General Info
Prestige: 0.0 (#59,962)
Location: Not Listed
Signed Up: 7/25/2006
Account Level: Basic
Last Visit: 11/8/2008

Forum Activity

Dogs at Stud
Upcomming Litters