Aerostar Afghan Hounds

Aerostar 3 Chocolate Kisses (B) Papillon
Aerostar 3 Dancing Fawns ((B)) Papillon
Aerostar 3 Sweet Candies (T) Papillon
Aerostar 3 Sweets (R) Papillon
Aerostar Beautiful Red Flag (R) Papillon
Aerostar Beauty on the Rhein (Rx) Papillon
Aerostar Brown Blondie (Bx) Papillon
Aerostar Dark Carmel (T) Papillon
Aerostar Lemon Sundae ((T)) Papillon
Aerostar Pineapple Sundae (T) Papillon
Aerostar Strawberry (Red) Papillon
Aerostar Sweet Mama (Rx) Papillon
Aerostar Trillium (Bx) Papillon
Aerostar Triple Brownie (B) Papillon
Aerostars Lime Beauty (Rx) Papillon

Aerostar 3 Kisses ((T)) Papillon
Aerostar 3 Lemon Drops (T) Papillon
Aerostar Brown Fawn (Bx) Papillon
Aerostar Brown Lemon (Bx) Papillon
Aerostar Brownie Delight (B) Papillon
Aerostar Butterscotch Sundae (T) Papillon
Aerostar Chocolate Cherry (R) Papillon
Aerostar Chocolate Cherry Cake (R) Papillon
Aerostar Hershey Bar Papillon
Aerostar Hot Engine (4hxSF) Papillon
Aerostar Mamas Balloon (Rx) Papillon
Aerostar Pucker Up (B) Papillon
Aerostar Red, White, and Black (R) Papillon
Aerostar Soda Fountain (T) Papillon
Aerostar Strawberry Sundae ((R)) Papillon
Aerostar Sweet Red Flag Papillon
Aerostar Three Dances (Tx) Papillon
Aerostar Triple Fudge Brownie (3B) Papillon

By Aerostar Mamas Balloon out of Aerostars Lime Beauty.
(3 days)
New Puppy #2 (Dog) Papillon
By Aerostar Hot Engine out of Aerostar Beauty on the Rhein.
(3 days)
New Puppy #4 (Bitch) Papillon
Aerostar Hot Beauty (Bitch) Papillon
New Puppy #1 (Dog) Papillon
By Aerostar Red, White, and Black out of Aerostar Sweet Mama.
(5 days)
Aerostar Newspaper (Dog) Papillon

Retirement Couch
None at this time.
General Info
Prestige: 25.0 (#661)
Location: Not Listed
Signed Up: 9/13/2023
Account Level: Family
Last Visit: 9/7/2024
Forum Activity

Dogs at Stud
Upcomming Litters