Apache Nation
Noteworthy News
Breeder of the FIRST Platinum Grand Champion German Shorthaired Pointer - PLATINUM GrCH Apache Matriarch UD
GrCH Apache Chosen To Succeed UD - GrChBRONZE; NSBISx1; BOBx21
GrCH Apache Blue Spruce UD - GrChGOLD (retired 1 pt shy of Platinum Grand);
BOBx72; NSBISx2; Bronze Sire; SDWC BOBx3
GrCH Apache Veni Vidi Vici UD - GrChBRONZE; BOBx21
GrCH Apache Matriarch UD - GrChPLATINUM; NSBISx2 (retires as the #1 GSP with 417 GrCH points)
Boston Terrier
21 Champions
8 Grand Champions
German Shorthaired Pointer
39 Champions
8 Grand Champions
**Quest for homebred CH/GrCH/UD Titled Dogs across all my accounts**
GrCh Apache Black Tie Affair UD (BostonTerrier)- 08/28/23
GOLD GrCh Apache Blue Spruce UD (GermanShorthairPointer) - 02/07/24
GrCH Apache Veni Vidi Vici UD (GermanShorthairPointer) - 03/28/24
GrCH Apache Love Muffin UD (GermanShorthairPointer) - 04/06/24
PLATINUM GrCH Apache Matriarch UD (GermanShorthairPointer) - 05/02/24
GrCH Apache Dream On UD (BichonFrise) - 04/30/24
GrCH Apache Tropicana UD (PortugesePodengo) - 05/12/24
NSBIS GrCH Apache Miracle at Sunset UD (LagottoRomagnolo) - 06/28/24
GrCH Apache ABBA UD (FieldSpaniel) - 07/06/24
NSBIS/BISS BRONZE GrCH Apache Cold Play (FieldSpaniel) - 07/08/24
GrCH Apache Champagne Toast UD (LagottoRomagnolo) - 07/31/24
GrCH Apache Eclipse My Heart UD (Beagle) - 08/19/24
GrCH Apache Gold Digger UD (Beagle) - 08/27/24
GrCH Apache Bang the Drums Slowly UD (ManchesterTerrier) - 09/28/24
GrCH Apache Birchwood UD (ManchesterTerrier) - 10/12/24
GrCH Apache Donnie Brasco UD (MiniaturePoodle) - 10/21/24
NSBIS GrCH Apache Death Valley UD (ManchesterTerrier) - 10/28/24
GrCh Apache Thelma `n Louise UD (MiniaturePoodle) - 11/12/24
GrCH Apache Night Train UD (Leonberger) - 11/27/24
GrCH Apache AZ - 91.9 UD (AppenzellerSennenhund) - 02/01/25

Appenzeller Sennenhund
CH Apache AZ - 91.9 - 12/13/24 -- GrCH - 01/04/25 -- CD - 01/15/25 -- CDX - 01/18/25 -- UD - 02/01/25
CH Apache Sweet Child `O Mine - 12/28/24
CH Apache AZ - 92.6 - 12/30/24
CH Apache AZ - 90.3 - 01/10/25
Portugese Water Dog
CH Apache On Point - 01/01/25 -- GrCH - 01/08/25 -- CD - 01/18/25 -- CDX - 02/04/25
CH Apache Point Taken - 01/03/25 -- GrCH - 01/11/25 -- CD - 01/26/25
CH Apache Power Bomb - 01/05/25
CH Apache Night Train - 10/05/24 -- GrCH - 10/24/24 -- CD - 11/05/24 -- CDX - 11/21/24 -- UD - 11/27/24
CH Apache Blue Bomber - 10/12/24
CH Apache Night Light - 10/13/24
CH Apache Night Shift - 10/16/24
CH Apache Bombs Away - 10/18/24
CH Apache Back to Back - 10/21/24
Miniature Poodle
CH Apache Donnie Brasco - 09/19/24 -- GrCH - 09/28/24 -- CD - 10/14/24 -- CDX - 10/18/24 -- UD - 10/21/24
CH Apache Olympic Prince - 10/03/24
CH Apache Thelma `n Louise - 10/11/24 -- GrCH - 10/24/24 -- CD - 10/30/24 -- CDX - 11/04/24 -- UD - 11/12/24
CH Apache Bugsy Malone - 10/19/24
CH Apache Cest La Vie - 10/28/24
Manchester Terrier
CH Apache Bang the Drums Slowly - 08/19/24 -- GrCH - 08/30/24 -- CD - 09/05/24 -- CDX - 09/19/24 -- UD - 09/28/24
CH Apache the Hills Have Eyes - 08/23/24
CH Apache Death Valley - 09/03/24 -- GrCH - 09/16/24 -- CD - 09/23/24 -- NSBIS -10/07/24 -- CDX - 10/20/24 -- UD - 10/28/24
CH Apache Birchwood - 09/03/24 -- GrCH - 09/16/24 -- CD - 10/02/24 -- CDX - 10/07/24 -- UD - 10/12/24
Apache Hills Have Eyes - NSBIS -09/07/24 -- CH - 09/11/24
CH Apache Smoking Jacket - 09/07/24
CH Apache Little Drummer Boy - 09/11/24
CH Apache Black Hills - 09/12/24
CH Apache Eclipse My Heart - 07/12/24 -- GrCH - 07/23/24 -- CD - 08/06/24 -- CDX - 08/09/24 -- UD - 08/19/24
CH Apache Hearts On Fire - 07/17/24
CH Apache Gold Digger - 07/19/24 -- GrCH - 07/29/24 -- CD - 08/06/24 -- CDX - 08/13/24 -- UD - 08/27/24
CH Apache Gold Fever - 07/29/24
Field Spaniel
CH Apache Coldplay - 05/31/24 -- GrCH - 06/12/24 -- CD & NSBIS - 06/16/24 --

CH Apache ABBA - 06/04/24 -- GrCH - 06/14/24 -- CD - 06/21/24 -- CDX - 06/28/24 -- UD - 07/06/24
CH Apache Trading Up - 06/13/24
CH Apache Soul Stirrer - 06/16/24
Lagotto Romagnolo
CH Apache Miracle at Sunset - 05/26/24 -- NSBIS -06/03/24 -- GrCH - 06/07/24 -- CD - 06/13/24 -- CDX - 06/21/24 -- UD - 06/28/24
CH Apache Champagne Toast - 06/06/24 -- GrCH - 06/24/24 -- CD - 07/22/24 -- CDX - 07/25/24 -- UD - 07/31/24
CH Apache Stuck On You - 06/08/24
Bichon Frise
CH Apache Dream On - 03/26/24 -- GrCH - 04/13/24 -- CD - 04/18/24 -- CDX - 04/21/24 -- UD - 04/30/24
CH Apache Dream Weaver - 04/02/24
Portugese Podengo
CH Apache Kelly`s Hero - 02/20/24
CH Apache Podcast vBarkinmad - 02/24/24
Apache Tropicana - NSBIS - 03/24/24 -- CH - 04/03/24 -- GrCH - 04/13/24 -- CD - 05/05/24 -- CDX - 05/09/24 -- UD - 05/12/24
CH Apache Movie Star - 04/09/24
CH Apache Hotel California - 04/15/24
CH Apache Resorts - 04/24/24
Puppies | |
By PBGV Mick out of Sweetbriar Ride the Wind. (4 days) |
Apache Nacona (Dog) | Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen |
By Ch Dreams Catch Me if U Can out of Dreams Sailing into the Future. (10 days) |
Apache Into the Future (Dog) | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier |
Apache Futuristic (Bitch) | Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier |
Retirement Couch | |
GCH CH UDApache Matriarch (PLATINUM - ret. #1) | German Shorthaired Pointer |
GCH CH UDApache Champagne Toast (SDWC BOB - G2-G4) | Lagotto Romagnolo |
GCH CH UDApache Tropicana (NSBIS) | Portuguese Podengo |
Dogs for Sale
Dogs at Stud
Upcomming Litters
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Champions Bred
Grand Champions Bred
Champions Finished
Merit Dogs Bred
Dogs at Stud
Upcomming Litters
Sponsored Shows
Champions Bred
Grand Champions Bred
Champions Finished
Merit Dogs Bred

Prestige: 56.2 (#204)
Location: Not Listed
Signed Up: 2/5/2023
Account Level: Family
Last Visit: 2/14/2025
Location: Not Listed
Signed Up: 2/5/2023
Account Level: Family
Last Visit: 2/14/2025

Forum Activity