Blue Velvet Skyes

This is the Home of my MalteseDreams(MD) Exclusive Bloodlines of Maltese.I have been working on this with more patience than I had known I had for a very long time.I have been so frustrated that there were many times that I have left it sit until my perseverance kicked in again.To let some of that slow progression frustration out I have began a side project in here that has taught me sooo much as far as the decimals & hammering in traits.I will be working on adding to my established bloodlines with these newer,exclusive bloodlines to bring in more strong numbers in the stats.Being 10's are Perfection,they are the main focus with this side project.Eventually as the breed itself evolves,recently fairly rabidly,I hope to be able to add to it's progress with these Xparent Bloodlines.Until then the Studs here are on approval because they are being used exclusively by me in this endeavor & until a more solid breakthrough is produced with firm(2-3 Generations at least) Pedigree results I am the only one these studs will be used with.I am enjoying this project now as the results & my knowledge ever increases.I am trying to establish firm results,as I said,so I hope my withholding the use of the studs doesn't appear selfish.In the end it will be of benefit to the whole breed & all the wonderful breeders tat have paved the way & worked with me over the years.To date there is recent huge upswing in the quality of the Breed due to the dedication of my friends that are dedicatedly working consistently & getting such amazing results! I only hope that when my experiments are as near to solid as possible here on SD that there will be room for me to share my work & strengthen the breed even more with both the testers & my own bloodlines.Thank you for reading my story & letting me ramble on.On a side-note-I have multiple Family accounts that have breeds I myself am working with,there are also quite a few kennels that I have upgraded Basics,Friends,& other deserving players.A few that I have become extremely close to over the past few years beyond ShowDog,others that are helpers with my kennels SOP's that have been essential to any progress I have made in the Breeds I work with or have worked on.They are my trusted & cherished SD friends.I am blessed to have made these friends both that are outside ShowDog & those that have been with me here for the long haul as my friends & helpers.I am a 40 something now disabled Widow that has also had the blessing of working with my RL AKC Maltese & my Family's other Breeds.So there are times more often that I have health issues that prevent me from responding,please understand,I type short spurts & take advantage of my GOOD days.Other days that I am unable to do more then mouse clicking,does not mean I am ignoring you,just rewrite,or remind me,I try to reply to all in all my breeds/kennels,which are recognizable with a 'MD' in the front of a kennels affix.I hope to make more friends here & be here for the next SD Reset if that time ever comes,I love the gamble in all breeds that the Perfect MD Dog may someday be created.We all have those dreams so we already have something in common here!Please feel free to write with questions,comments or anything else,I will reply as soon as possibly am able.I love to hear & read others thoughts on anything involving the Game & Dogs!!!
The 'MD' Family

None at this time.

None at this time.

None at this time.

Retirement Couch
None at this time.
General Info
Prestige: 0.0 (#126,091)
Location: Not Listed
Signed Up: 2/6/2007
Account Level: Basic
Last Visit: 10/9/2007

Forum Activity

Dogs at Stud
Upcomming Litters