Heart of Dark

Unnamed, SOP'd puppies are all for sale for $100. Email me with a link to the puppy you want and if you have a name you'd like please include that.

All studs will be up for $100 without approval. If there's a male you'd like to breed to who isn't up for stud please let me know, I'll have forgotten to put him up.

I will sell to basics who aren't at or over the 5 dog limit. Once you buy the dog it is yours to do as you please with. Offering the dog back before selling or FHing is always appreciated though.

None at this time.

None at this time.

None at this time.

Retirement Couch
None at this time.
General Info
Prestige: 0.0 (#298,578)
Location: Not Listed
Signed Up: 5/8/2007
Account Level: Basic
Last Visit: 9/19/2008

Forum Activity

Dogs at Stud
Upcomming Litters