Scandalous Kennels


We are a new azawakh's kennel. We want to breed these elegant and noble dogs in order to combine their native, primitive African origins with our European bloodlines. Please, have a look at our site and at our dogs.

Breed Origins

The Azawakh originated in the Sahel region of Africa. They have been bred by the numerous nomadic tribes of the Southern Sahara as hunting and guard dogs, as well as companions.


Quick, attentive, distant, proud, alert and attentive the Azawakh remains instinctively reserved with strangers, and may even exhibit aggression, but are gentle with their own family. They tend to distribute their affection to all family members and constantly solicit physical affection seeking to be recognised as a member of the family - they are not kennel dogs. As a rule, they seem to accept other dogs, though sometimes grudgingly, as protected members of their own pack. The Azawakh is a very dominant breed. Within a household pack, they will almost always aspire to the alpha dog position. If the construction of the dogs is extreme then so is the temperament. They look fragile, but are strong dogs both physically and mentally. The Azawakh is an individual with a lot of integrity combined with a natural shyness to strangers. This shyness should only be penalised if it takes the form of aggression or panic behaviour. For most Azawakhs, a bribe will help it overcome the initial distrust of the visitor, whereas in the show ring judges might have to approach the dogs in a less conventional way. It is essential that the Azawakh is well socialised from an early age!

Physical Appearance

Particularly leggy and elegant, the Azawakh sighthound gives an overall impression of great fineness. Their bone structure and musculature is very apparent beneath fine, lean skin. The hair is short, fine, down to none on the belly. Coat colours come in fawn with flecking limited to the extremities. All shades are possible from light sable to dark fawn and there may also be darker brindling.

Day To Day

The Azawakh needs plenty of exercise and regular opportunities to run free on open ground. This can be problematic due to their tendencies, as a sight hound, to see smaller animals as prey and give chase. Grooming is simple, just needing the occasional brush to remove loose or dead hair. The Azawakh is very attached and devoted to his family, and will guard and protect the property and the family members if he is led to believe that he is the pack leader. The owner of an Azawakh should be firm but gentle, as the relationship between the dog and owner is very important, and while leadership over the dog is important this should never take the form of physical abuse. The Azawakh needs to be very close to his family and should never be kennelled.

Off lead the Azawakh is generally obedient as the pack represents security. The hunting drive is not as pronounced as with some of the other Afro/Asian sighthounds, but he should still always be off lead in secure areas away from traffic. The exercise requirements vary, but they should be let off lead at least once a week as a guideline.The Azawakh is a fantastic dog, which will bring not only physical beauty but also a wonderful spirit of devotion and admiration towards his owner. For more information about this breed or puppies please contact me.


To Gabi aka Dr.G.Meissen and her wonderful Azawakh kennel for letting me use her pics ;.)
Link to her site:

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General Info
Prestige: 0.0 (#576,313)
Location: USA
Signed Up: 7/31/2005
Account Level: Basic
Last Visit: 12/17/2009

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