Spirit Ranch

happy :) The Beginning of Something Great happy :)

Noteworthy News
Breeder of the FIRST and to this date (11/2024) ONLY Platinum/Gold/Silver Grand Champion German Pinschers
Multiple National SBIS/MSBIS PLATINUM GrCH Spirit Ranch Foolish Man UD
NSBIS GOLD GrCH Spirit Ranch Apache Chief UD
NSBIS SILVER GrCH Spirit Ranch Mercury Rising

Breeder of 11 of the Top 20 German Pinschers/4 of the Top 5 (1, 2, 3, 5)

**Quest for homebred CH/GrCH/UD Titled Dogs across all my accounts**

NSBISx3 PLATINUM GrCH Spirit Ranch Foolish Man UD (German Pinscher) - 01/24/23
NSBIS GOLD GrCH Spirit Ranch Apache Chief UD (German Pinscher) - 07/06/23
GrCH Spirit Ranch Secretariat UD (German Pinscher) - 07/14/23
NSBISx2 GrCH Spirit Ranch Cherokee UD (German Pinscher) - 08/18/23
GrCH Spirit Ranch Thunder Road UD (ToyPoodle) - 03/20/24
GrCH Spirit Ranch Traci UD (IrishSetter) - 04/20/24
BIS GrCH Spirit Ranch George UD (IrishSetter) - 05/07/24
BIS & NSBIS GrCH Spirit Ranch It's Reigning Men UD (JackRussellTerrier) - 05/17/24
BIS & NSBIS BRONZE GrCH Spirit Ranch Pistachio UD (WirehairedPointingGriffon) - 06/16/24
GrCH Spirit Ranch Gennessee UD (IrishSetter) - 07/03/24
GrCH Spirit Ranch the Longest Yard UD (WirehairedPointingGriffon) - 07/08/24
NSBISx2 GrCH Spirit Ranch Wish Maker UD (ChineseSharpei) - 08/01/24
GrCH Spirit Ranch Wish Upon a Star UD (ChineseSharPei) - 08/06/24
NSBIS GrCH Spirit Ranch Opposites Attract UD (ShetlandSheepdog) - 08/13/24
GrCH Spirit Ranch Bi-Weekly UD (ShetlandSheepdog) - 08/18/24
SDWC Gr2-GrCH Spirit Ranch Bugatti Chiron UD (Greyhound) - 09/25/24
GrCH Spirit Ranch Spice Girl UD (Greyhound) - 09/29/24
NSBIS GrCH Spirit Ranch Opaque UD (ItalianGreyhound) - 11/09/24
GrCH Spirit Ranch Diamonds `n Gold UD (ToyPoodle) - 11/27/24
GrCH Spirit Ranch Rock Hudson UD (ItalianGreyhound) - 12/16/24
GrCH Spirit Ranch Reign It In UD (JackRussellTerrier) - 01/05/25
GrCH Spirit Ranch Luxury Liner UD (ItalianGreyhound) - 01/13/25
GrCH Spirit Ranch Black Sambuca UD (LabradorRetriever) - 01/26/25

Best of luck to all!!!!

happy :)happy :) PLATINUM Grand Champions happy :)happy :)
GrCH Spirit Ranch Foolish Man, UD - 03/13/23 -- RETIRED - 11 time Specialty Best In Show Winner

happy :) GOLD Grand Champions happy :)
GrCH Spirit Ranch Foolish Man UD - 03/03/23
GrCH Spirit Ranch ApacheChief - 07/06/23

happy :) SILVER Grand Champions happy :)
GrCH Spirit Ranch Foolish Man, UD - 02/10/23
GrCH Spirit Ranch Mercury Rising - 03/17/23
GrCH Spirit Ranch Apache Chief - 05/28/23

happy :) BRONZE Grand Champions happy :)
GrCH Spirit Ranch Foolish Man, UD - 01/08/23
GrCH Spirit Ranch Sapphire - 01/19/23
GrCH Spirit Ranch Mercury Rising - 02/17/23
GrCH Spirit Ranch Geronimo - 03/05/23
GrCH Spirit Ranch Takoda - 03/24/23
GrCH Spirit Ranch Apache Chief - 04/30/23
GrCH Spirit Ranch Win One For Me - - 08/29/23

Spirit Ranch Champions & Obedience Title Holders

Labrador Retriever
CH Spirit Ranch Black Russian - 12/22/24
CH Spirit Ranch Black Sambuca - 12/25/24 -- GrCH - 01/04/25 -- CD - 01/17/25 -- CDX - 01/23/25 -- UD - 01/26/25
CH Spirit Ranch Black Magic - 12/28/24
CH Spirit Ranch Black Widow - 12/31/24
CH Spirit Ranch Limoncello - 01/09/25
CH Spirit Ranch Black Margarita (Newscot) - 01/28/25
Italian Greyhound
CH Spirit Ranch Opaque - 10/06/24 -- NSBIS -10/14/24 -- CD - 10/20/24 -- CDX - 10/29/24 -- UD - 11/09/24 -- NSBIS -12/14/24
CH Fleurdelis Luxury Liner - 10/26/24
CH Spirit Ranch Rock Hudson - 11/07/24 -- GrCH - 11/18/24 -- CD - 11/28/24 -- CDX - 12/03/24 -- UD - 12/16/24
CH Spirit Ranch Blue Skies - 11/09/24
CH Spirit Ranch Blue Star - 11/16/24
CH Spirit Ranch Shadow - 11/22/24
CH Spirit Ranch Luxury Liner - 11/26/24 -- GrCH - 12/03/24 -- CD - 01/05/25 -- CDX - 01/07/25 -- UD - 01/13/25
CH Spirit Ranch Walk of Fame (wundaboys ranch) - 12/30/24
Toy Poodle
CH Spirit Ranch Diamonds `n Gold - 09/12/24 -- GrCH - 10/31/24 -- CD - 11/06/24 -- CDX - 11/18/24 -- UD - 11/27/24
CH Spirit Ranch Diamond Bling - 09/18/24
CH Spirit Ranch Moonlit Holiday - 11/02/24
CH Spirit Ranch Bugatti Chiron - 09/06/24 -- GrCH - 09/12/24 -- CD - 09/17/24 -- CDX - 09/22/24 -- UD - 09/25/24
CH Spirit Ranch Spice Girl - 09/06/24 -- GrCH - 09/12/24 -- CD - 09/23/24 -- CDX - 09/26/24 -- UD - 09/29/24
CH & NSBIS Spirit Ranch Fast `n Furious - 09/10/24
CH Spirit Ranch Maseratti (En Dag Dawg) - 09/15/24
CH Spirit Ranch Edge of Night (En Dag Dawg) - 10/02/24
Shetland Sheepdog
CH Spirit Ranch Opposites Attract - 07/01/24 -- NSBIS -07/04/24 -- GrCH - 07/05/24 -- CD - 07/21/24 -- CDX - 08/08/24 -- UD - 08/13/24
CH Spirit Ranch Bi-Weekly - 07/02/24 -- GrCH - 07/26/24 -- CD - 08/08/24 -- CDX - 08/12/24 -- UD - 08/18/24
CH Spirit Ranch Perfect 10 - 07/19/24
CH Spirit Ranch On Opposite Ends - 07/28/24
CH Spirit Ranch Radical Protester (Shelador) - 09/01/24
CH Spirit Ranch Next To Me (Wundaboys Barn) - 09/05/24
CH Spirit Ranch Radical Decision (BeardieBunchII) - 09/14/24
CH Spirit Ranch Radical Command (BeardieBunchII) -09/19/24
Chinese Shar-Pei
CH Spirit Ranch Wish Maker - 06/05/24 -- GrCH - 06/13/24 -- NSBIS -06/21/24 -- CD - 06/22/24 --
CDX & NSBIS -07/22/24 -- UD - 08/01/24

CH Spirit Ranch Wish Upon a Star - 06/05/24 -- GrCH - 06/12/24 -- CD - 06/25/24 -- CDX - 08/01/24 -- UD - 08/06/24
CH Spirit Ranch Magic Mystery - 06/19/24
Wire-Haired Pointing Griffon
CH Spirit Ranch Pistachio - 05/14/24 -- GrCH - 05/20/24 -- CD - 06/02/24 -- happy :)BIS -06/03/24happy :) --
happy :)GrChBRONZE -06/04/24happy :) -- CDX - 06/08/24 -- NSBIS -06/15/24 -- UD - 06/16/24

CH Spirit Ranch the Longest Yard - 05/16/24 - GrCH - 06/02/24 -- CD - 06/22/24 -- CDX - 07/03/24 -- UD - 07/08/24
CH Model A Chestnut Storm - 05/24/24
CH Spirit Ranch Devil`s Advocate - 06/15/24
Irish Setter
CH Spirit Ranch Thomas - 03/27/24
CH Spirit Ranch George - 03/27/24 -- GrCH - 04/15/24 -- happy :)BIS -04/27/24happy :) -- CD & SDWC BOB - 04/30/24 -- CDX - 05/03/24 -- UD - 05/07/24 -- happy :)NSBIS -05/14/24happy :)
CH Spirit Ranch Traci - 04/01/24 -- GrCH - 04/10/24 -- CD - 04/14/24 -- CDX - 04/17/24 -- UD - 04/20/24
CH Spirit Ranch Tony - 04/05/24
CH Spirit Ranch Georgia - 04/06/24
CH Spirit Ranch Gennessee - 04/08/24 -- GrCH - 04/24/24 -- CD - 06/25/24 -- CDX - 06/29/24 -- UD - 07/03/24
CH Spirit Ranch Glenn - 04/09/24
CH Spirit Ranch Timmy - 04/12/24
Jack Russell Terrier
CH & NSBIS Spirit Ranch It`s Reigning Men - 04/03/24 -- GrCH - 04/21/24 -- happy :)BIS -04/29/24happy :) -- CD - 05/11/24 -- CDX - 05/14/24 -- UD - 05/17/24
CH Spirit Ranch Free Ryder - 04/09/24
CH Spirit Ranch Silver Bullet - 04/19/24
CH Spirit Ranch Reign It In - 12/04/24 -- GrCH - 12/12/24 -- CD - 12/18/24 -- CDX - 12/24/24 -- UD - 01/05/25
CH Spirit Ranch Reign Storm - 12/09/24 -- GrCH - 12/18/24 -- CD - 01/02/25 -- CDX - 01/05/25 --UD - 01/16/25
Toy Poodle
Rosewood Nuit DHiver - CD - 12/30/23
CH Spirit Ranch Clap of Thunder (Two Guns) - 02/02/24
CH Spirit Ranch Thunder Road - 02/16/24 -- GrCH - 02/28/24 -- CD - 03/02/24 -- CDX - 03/12/24 -- UD - 03/20/24
CH Spirit Ranch No Boundaries - 03/10/24
CH Spirit Ranch Rastafari - 03/13/24
CH Spirit Ranch Picture Perfect - 04/10/24
German Pinscher Champions
CH Spirit Ranch Foolish Man - NSBIS & New CH -12/4/22 -- GCH - 12/14/22 -- CD - 12/30/22 -- NSBIS -01/04/23 -- CDX - 01/05/23 -- happy :)GrChBRONZE -01/08/23 -- UD - 01/24/23 -- happy :)happy :)GrChSILVER -02/10/23 -- happy :)happy :)happy :)GrChGOLD -03/03/23 -- NSBIS -03/04/23 -- happy :)happy :)happy :)happy :)GrChPLATINUM -03/13/23

CH Spirit Ranch Sapphire - 12/11/22 -- GCH-12/25/22 -- happy :)GrChBRONZE -01/18/23 -- BRONZE DAM - 02/24/23
CH Spirit Ranch White Knight - 01/19/23
CH Spirit Ranch Blue Bayou - 01/20/23
CH Spirit Ranch Mercury Rising - 01/24/23 -- GCH - 02/03/23 -- NSBIS - 02/04/23 -- happy :)GrChBRONZE -02/17/23 --
happy :)GrChSILVER - 03/17/23
CH Spirit Ranch Sapphire Mercury - 01/29/23 -- GrCH - 03/09/23
CH Spirit Ranch Singin the Blues - 02/02/23
CH Spirit Ranch Foolish Pride - 02/06/23
CH Spirit Ranch Geronimo - 02/10/23 -- GrCH - 02/16/23 -- happy :)GrChBRONZE - 03/05/23
CH Spirit Ranch Takoda - 02/11/23 -- GrCH - 02/19/23 - happy :)GrChBRONZE - 03/24/23
CH Spirit Ranch Nacona - 02/15/23
CH Spirit Ranch Cheyenne - 02/23/23
CH Spirit Ranch Naduah - 02/24/23
CH Spirit Ranch Wicasa - 03/04/23
CH Spirit Ranch Mercury`s Envy - 03/05/23
CH Spirit Ranch Lakota - 03/10/23 -- GrCH -- 03/30/23
CH Spirit Ranch Mika - 03/14/23
CH Spirit Ranch Full of Envy - 03/15/23
CH Spirit Ranch Mercury `n Lace - 03/17/23 -- GrCH -- 03/30/23
CH Spirit Ranch Foolish Envy - 03/22/23
CH Spirit Ranch Lequoia - 03/24/23 -- GrCH - 03/30/23
CH Spirit Ranch Foolish Mercury - 03/27/23
CH Spirit Ranch Apache Chief - 04/01/23 -- NSBIS -04/04/23 -- GrCH - 04/07/23 -- happy :)GrChBRONZE - 04/30/23 -- CD - 05/20/23 -- CDX - 05/27/23 -- happy :)happy :)GrChSILVER[ - 05/28/23 -- UD - 05/31/23 -- happy :)happy :)happy :)GrCh GOLD - 07/06/23
CH Spirit Ranch Hot Mercury - 04/21/23
CH Spirit Ranch Secretariat - 04/24/23 -- GrCH - 05/21/23 -- CD - 06/10/23 -- CDX - 06/15/23 -- UD - 07/14/23
CH Spirit Ranch Heaven - 04/26/23
CH Spirit Ranch Winning Colors - 04/27/23 - GrCH - 06/06/23
CH Spirit Ranch American Pharaoh - 04/29/23
CH Spirit Ranch Gallorette - 05/04/23
CH Spirit Ranch Citation - 05/06/23
CH Spirit Ranch Cherokee - 05/12/23 -- GrCH - 05/20/23 -- NSBIS -06/04/23 -- NSBIS -07/04/23 -- CD - 07/17/23 --
CDX - 07/21/23 -- UD - 08/18/23

CH Spirit Ranch New Blood - 05/16/23
CH Spirit Ranch Justify - 05/17/23
CH Spirit Ranch Color of Envy - 06/09/23 -- GrCH - 08/17/23
CH Spirit Ranch Apache For Life - 06/09/23 -- GrCH - 06/26/23
CH Spirit Ranch Blood Brother - 06/14/23
CH Spirit Ranch Lone Wolf - 06/14/23
CH Spirit Ranch I'm a Winner - 06/14/23
CH Apache Genny Cream Ale - 06/21/23
CH Spirit Ranch Extra Hot - 06/24/23
CH Spirit Ranch Clever Secret - 07/17/23
CH Spirit Ranch Office Wife - 07/17/23
CH Spirit Ranch Transcript - 07/24/23
CH Spirit Ranch Satanta - 07/29/23
CH Spirit Ranch Win One For Me - 08/01/23 -- NSBIS -08/04/23 -- GrCh - 08/06/23 -- happy :)GrChBRONZE - 08/29/23
CH Spirit Ranch G.O.A.T. - 08/04/23
CH Spirit Ranch Miss Secretary - 08/07/23
Ch Spirit Ranch Color Wonder - 08/12/23 -- NSBIS -10/4/23
CH Spirit Ranch Tiffany`s Secret - 08/16/23
CH Spirit Ranch Bobbie Sue - 08/21/23
CH Spirit Ranch Yellowstone - 08/23/23
CH Spirit Ranch I`m So Clever - 08/27/23 -- GrCH - 09/14/23
CH Spirit Ranch Gift From Heaven - 08/28/23
CH Spirit Ranch Green With Envy - 09/11/23 -- GrCH - 09/30/23
CH Spirit Ranch Red Riding Hood - 09/12/23
CH Spirit Ranch Bright Heaven - 09/13/23
CH Spirit Ranch Little Red - 09/14/23
CH Spirit Ranch Gift Wrapped - 10/7/23 -- GrCH - 10/13/23
CH Spirit Ranch Mountain Man - 10/10/23
CH Spirit Ranch Envy Me - 10/30/23 -- GrCH - 11/16/23
CH Spirit Ranch Return to Envy - 11/13/23
CH Spirit Ranch Gifted - 11/13/23
CH Spirit Ranch Shortcake - 11/19/23
CH Spirit Ranch Wrapped in Love - 12/23/23
CH Spirit Ranch Pale Diamond - 03/22/24
CH Spirit Ranch Short Bread - 03/26/24
CH Spirit Ranch Red Rock Mtn - 03/29/24
Belgian Malinois
Sharky of Spirit Ranch - CD-12/9/22 -- CDX -12/31/22 -- UD - 01/20/23
CH Joyride Heard You-12/27/22
Axel of Spirit Ranch - CD-12/28/22 -- CDX - 01/11/23
CH Spirit Ranch Teak - 01/18/23
CH Spirit Ranch Annie Oakley - 01/29/23
CH Spirit Ranch Glacier - 01/30/23
CH Spirit Ranch Talk About Me - 02/03/23

GCH CH UDSpirit Ranch Opaque (G1x5-G2x6-G3x2-G4x5) Italian Greyhound
GCH CH UDSpirit Ranch It`s Reigning Men (BIS -- G1x6-G3x5) Jack Russell Terrier
GCH CH UDSpirit Ranch Reign It In (G4) Jack Russell Terrier
GCH CH UDSpirit Ranch Black Sambuca (G2x3) Labrador Retriever
GCH CH UDSpirit Ranch Diamonds `n Gold (G3) Toy Poodle
Antipodes Chaos Theory Basset Hound
Antipodes In Flight Basset Hound
Antipodes Lemon Muffin Basset Hound
Antipodes TBLW 98.40 Basset Hound
Spirit Ranch Beauty Basset Hound
Spirit Ranch Which Witch Basset Hound
DenKees Pretty Flirt Keeshond
DenKees Silver Crown Keeshond

GCH CH UDSpirit Ranch Wish Maker (NSBISx2/SDWC) Chinese Shar-Pei
GCH CH UDSpirit Ranch George (G1x9-G2x5-G3x2-G4x2) Irish Setter
GCH CH UDSpirit Ranch Luxury Liner (19 -G1x2-G2-G4x4) Italian Greyhound
GCH CH UDSpirit Ranch Rock Hudson (G1x2-G2x3-G3-G4) Italian Greyhound
GCH CH UDSpirit Ranch Reign Storm (22/3/3 - G1x2-G2-G3x) Jack Russell Terrier
GCH CH UDSpirit Ranch Opposites Attract (G2) Shetland Sheepdog
GCH CH UDSpirit Ranch Thunder Road (G2-G4x5) Toy Poodle
GCH CH UDSpirit Ranch the Longest Yard Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
Antipodes Controlled Chaos Basset Hound
Spirit Ranch Outer Rim Basset Hound

By Ch HH Winterse Sneeuwstorm out of Ch DenKees Sky and Flame.
(6 days)
Spirit Ranch Twister (Dog) Keeshond
Spirit Ranch Flame Thrower (Bitch) Keeshond
Spirit Ranch Into the Storm (Bitch) Keeshond
Spirit Ranch Flying High (Bitch) Keeshond
By Ch HH Winterse Sneeuwstorm out of Ch DenKees Afternoon Delight.
(6 days)
Spirit Ranch Sweet Caroline (Bitch) Keeshond
Spirit Ranch Tyson (Dog) Keeshond
By Ch HH Winterse Sneeuwstorm out of Ch DenKees Lady of the Realm.
(6 days)
Spirit Ranch Lady Snow (Bitch) Keeshond
Spirit Ranch Here and Now (Bitch) Keeshond
Spirit Ranch Wild Child (Bitch) Keeshond
By Antipodes BRW 98.80 out of Antipodes TBLW 98.40.
(6 days)
Spirit Ranch Chapter One (Bitch) Basset Hound
Spirit Ranch Next Chapter (Bitch) Basset Hound

Retirement Couch
GCH CH UDSpirit Ranch Wish Upon a Star Chinese Shar-Pei
GCH CH UDSpirit Ranch Spice Girl (G4) Greyhound
GCH CH UDSpirit Ranch Gennessee (G1) Irish Setter
GCH CH UDSpirit Ranch Traci Irish Setter
GCH CH UDSpirit Ranch Bi-Weekly Shetland Sheepdog
GCH CH UDSpirit Ranch Pistachio (BIS-G1-G2x2-G3-G4) Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
General Info
Prestige: 65.4 (#154)
Location: Not Listed
Signed Up: 3/30/2015
Account Level: Family
Last Visit: 2/7/2025
Forum Activity

Upcomming Litters
Antipodes TBLW 98.40
Due 2/12/2025 to ChapterBlack Choso