TR Herders

General Info
Prestige: 72.0 (#120)
Location: Not Listed
Signed Up: 8/9/2021
Account Level: Family
Last Visit: 1/21/2025
Forum Activity

Upcomming Litters
TRH Cristmas Tales
Due 1/21/2025 to TRH Tall Tale
TRH Desert Tales
Due 1/21/2025 to TRH Tall Tale
CH TRH Coconut
Due 1/22/2025 to Somnambula Kawaii Tale
TRH Snow Van
Due 1/22/2025 to TRH Volunteer
TRH Cruiser
Due 1/24/2025 to TRH Silver Prince
TRH Snowed In
Due 1/25/2025 to TRH Silver Prince
TRH Black Snow
Due 1/25/2025 to TRH Van Man
TRH Van Look
Due 1/25/2025 to TRH Snow Prince
TRH Snow Plow
Due 1/26/2025 to TRH Volunteer