
As you can see i named a pup Cujo and you are poreble wonreing why well my real dogs name's Cujo
he is a MS and so I made this a kennel of MS's
I am on a VK and I am trying to get pics btu i don't have any so when i get back I'll put so pics of him and my other dog woppie. Woppie is a pit,G shep,and huskey I will be back REALLY soon so the pics will be on very soon well thank you byhappy :)

None at this time.

None at this time.

None at this time.

Retirement Couch
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General Info
Prestige: 0.0 (#214,079)
Location: Not Listed
Signed Up: 1/19/2007
Account Level: Basic
Last Visit: 8/24/2008

Forum Activity

Dogs at Stud
Upcomming Litters