
Kennel Page under revision.


This little light of mine
I'm going to let it shine
Oh, this little light of mine
I'm going to let it shine
This little light of mine
I'm going to let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine
Ev'ry where I go
I'm going to let it shine
Oh, ev'ry where I go
I'm going to let it shine
Ev'ry where I go
I'm going to let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine
All in my house
I'm going to let it shine
Oh, all in my house
I'm going to let it shine
All in my house
I'm going to let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine
I'm not going to make it shine
I'm just going to let it shine
I'm not going to make it shine
I'm just going to let it shine
I'm not going to make it shine
I'm just going to let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine
Out in the dark
I'm going to let it shine
Oh, out in the dark
I'm going to let it shine
Out in the dark
I'm going to let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine
Thank you so much Mattina Kennels (Anna) for the banner, credit of dog photo used goes to Anna at Mattina Kennels, Shiba Inu photo from her, background photo from www.sxc.hu , diamond taken from www.photobucket.com
Thanks to Charmed Kristy for my first Shiba ever, charmed burned muffin.

We would all like to remember Charmed Burned Muffin. She was our first Shiba Inu and began the legacy we will soon become. A special thanks to Charmed Kirsty too for selling her to us.

None at this time.

None at this time.

None at this time.

Retirement Couch
None at this time.
General Info
Prestige: 0.0 (#400,123)
Location: USA
Signed Up: 7/21/2005
Account Level: Basic
Last Visit: 12/30/2006

Forum Activity

Dogs at Stud
Upcomming Litters