
happy :)SYDNOID KENNELhappy :)

Golden Retrievers.
Siberian Huskies.
German Shepherds.

Made better.

Newfoundlands have just been added to sydnoid kennel and I now have a litter. I do have one male Belgian and all he needs is one more point and is up for 100. I will place male dogs that are old enough up for stud and always have females avaliable to purchase. It is rare that I ever require approvel and usually have many dogs up for sale. I do ask if you see a dog you like that's not up for sale im open for offers and may or may not allow you to have the dog. I generally try to posses at least one litter of each breed I focus on. Even on high quality puppies I never ask more than 100. I have two pregnent german shepherds up for sale for 150 that do not require approvel so anyone can have them.

Sydnoid newfys get color! Sydnoid kennel now has brown, black, and black and white newfys. The siberian huskies will soon get color also. Not only will i have red and white, but i will have black and white and intend to have agouti and white. I also 8intend to get more color in in germys but already have a variety of colors. Hope you find a dog you like!

None at this time.

None at this time.

None at this time.

Retirement Couch
None at this time.
General Info
Prestige: 0.0 (#30,495)
Location: Not Listed
Signed Up: 1/18/2010
Account Level: Basic
Last Visit: 12/18/2010

Forum Activity

Dogs at Stud
Upcomming Litters