Whelping and Show Bitches

When a bitch whelps on ShowDog.Com, her show ring ability will take a heavy negative hit for a period of time before and after whelping. For two days prior to whelping bitches start to show the signs of whelping and aren't quite 'up to snuff' in the ring.

After they have whelped the stress of giving birth and nursing have an impact on them for five days. This impact is gradual and is much larger one day after whelping than five days afterward.

Last Updated: 5/30/2011 8:19:37 PM

Did you know?
The figure 8 exercise requires the team to heel in a figure 8 pattern either on or off leash. Generally two of the ring stewards will assist the judge with this exercise by acting as "posts", standing 8 feet apart, that the team walks around to form the loops of the figure 8.