Sending Dogs to Forever Homes
Forever Homes are the equivalent of pet homes. Just as in real life, your litters can produce show quality puppies and pet quality puppies. The pet quality puppies can be sent to their "forever homes" or pet homes.
They can no longer be shown or bred from and are permanently removed from your kennel and the game.
Forever Homing your dogs or puppies does not mean that you become the permanent owner of the dog and once a dog is forever homed it cannot be reversed. Do not send a dog to a forever home unless you are willing to give it up forever.
Users are not paid for sending dogs to Forever Homes because this would encourage people to raise many, many litters of puppies just to earn money. The goal should be to breed dogs that are of good quality, not to breed lots and lots of pet puppies just to increase your profit margin.
Last Updated: 6/1/2011 1:01:40 AM