Limits on Sales Between Accounts
There is a bit of a gray area regarding just how much business can be done between two kennels before they are acting as a cooperative. In order to ensure that kennels are operated independently of each other, certain restrictions are put into place to ensure fair play.
These percentages and numbers are only listed here in the spirit of providing information. The bottom line is the system will prevent users from operating as a cooperative. You don't need to keep track of how much you've bought from another user, the system does it automatically and blocks sales that would go over the line.
Dog Purchases
You may not purchase a dog from somebody you have bought $1,000 or more in combined dog/stud fees in the past month if that amount is above 66% of your total user to user transactions.
Stud Fees
You may not purchase a dog from somebody you have bought $1,000 ore more in combined dog/stud fees in the past month if that amount is above 80% of your total user to user transactions.
Last Updated: 3/24/2009 11:20:20 AM