Show Entry Fees and Payouts

Each show has a different entry fee that is determined by the show promoter. The show promoter also gets 20% of the show payouts. If you would like to promote your own shows, you can find out more information by CLICKING HERE.

Show Payouts
60% of each entry fee is paid out to the portion of each entry fee that goes to payouts is divided up based on the structure below...

40% - Class Winners
   16% to 1st in Class 
   12% to 2nd in Class 
   8% to 3rd in Class 
   4% to 4th in Class

30% - Breed Winners** 
   12% to Best in Breed 
   9% to 2nd in Breed 
   6% to 3rd in Breed 
   3% to 4th in Breed

20% - Group Winners
   8% to Best in Group 
   6% to 2nd in Group 
   4% to 3rd in Group 
   2% to 4th in Group

10% - Show Winners
   4% to Best in Show 
   3% to 2nd in Show 
   2% to 3rd in Show 
   1% to 4th in Show

**Breed winner percentages are doubled in single breed shows.

For example, let's consider a German Shepherd Dog that won Best in Show at a show with 13 dogs in his class, 34 German Shepherd Dogs, 91 dogs in the herding group, and 652 dogs in the entire show with an entry fee of $30/dog. This dog would receive...

1st in Class = 13 entries * $30/entry * 60% of entry fee * 16% = $37.44
Best in Breed = 34 entries * $30/entry * 60% of entry fee * 12% = $73.44
Best in Group = 91 entries * $30/entry * 60% of entry fee * 8% = $131.04
Best in Show = 652 entries * $30/entry * 60% of entry fee * 4% = $469.44

Total Payout = $37.44 + $73.44 + $131.04 + $469.44 = $711.36

Despite this example, entering shows IS NOT a good way to make money on ShowDog.Com. The competition is fierce and only 60% of all entry fees is paid back to the owners.


Last Updated: 3/3/2009 3:40:59 PM

Did you know?
The figure 8 exercise requires the team to heel in a figure 8 pattern either on or off leash. Generally two of the ring stewards will assist the judge with this exercise by acting as "posts", standing 8 feet apart, that the team walks around to form the loops of the figure 8.