Current Entries

Thursday, February 15, 2024
Judged by Maria Brandt

Enter Dogs

Breed Males Females
Afghan Hound 1 2
Alaskan Klee Kai 12 10
Alaskan Malamute 21 25
American Cocker Spaniel 8 3
Anatolian Shepherd 3 1
Argentine Dogo 0 7
Australian Kelpie 6 6
Australian Shepherd 2 1
Azawakh 0 1
Beagle 1 3
Beauceron 7 6
Bedlington Terrier 0 3
Belgian Malinois 4 2
Belgian Tervuren 5 3
Black and Tan Coonhound 0 2
Border Collie 6 5
Border Terrier 1 1
Borzoi 3 2
Boxer 5 7
Brussels Griffon 3 2
Bulldog 1 2
Cairn Terrier 5 2
Canaan Dog 4 3
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 5 4
Chinese Crested Dog 2 1
Collie 10 5
Curly-Coated Retriever 3 4
Dachshund 3 3
Dalmatian 2 1
Doberman Pinscher 12 13
English Cocker Spaniel 7 4
English Foxhound 1 1
English Setter 3 0
Field Spaniel 2 3
Flat-Coated Retriever 4 3
German Shepherd Dog 3 0
German Shorthaired Pointer 0 9
German Spitz 3 0
German Wirehaired Pointer 0 7
Giant Schnauzer 4 6
Golden Retriever 3 3
Gordon Setter 1 0
Great Pyrenees 0 10
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog 0 5
Harrier 3 1
Ibizan Hound 13 17
Irish Setter 4 3
Irish Terrier 1 0
Irish Wolfhound 0 6
Italian Greyhound 5 4
Keeshond 5 0
Labrador Retriever 8 5
Lakeland Terrier 0 8
Maltese 0 1
Manchester Toy Terrier 1 0
Mastiff 0 1
Newfoundland 5 9
Norfolk Terrier 4 5
Norwegian Buhund 0 1
Norwich Terrier 7 7
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever 2 1
Old English Sheepdog 3 6
Papillon 4 6
Pekingese 1 1
Pembroke Welsh Corgi 5 1
Pharaoh Hound 11 6
Pointer 4 0
Pomeranian 0 6
Portuguese Pointer 8 3
Portuguese Water Dog 4 0
Pug 0 7
Puli 9 8
Pyrenean Shepherd 4 1
Rat Terrier 2 3
Redbone Coonhound 1 1
Rhodesian Ridgeback 4 5
Rottweiler 3 5
Saint Bernard 3 4
Saluki 8 0
Samoyed 0 2
Scottish Deerhound 2 4
Scottish Terrier 0 1
Sealyham Terrier 5 8
Shetland Sheepdog 5 5
Siberian Husky 10 12
Spinone Italiano 4 1
Standard Poodle 9 6
Sussex Spaniel 1 1
Swedish Vallhund 0 1
Tibetan Terrier 4 1
Toy Poodle 7 0
Weimaraner 0 5
Welsh Springer Spaniel 2 5
Wire Fox Terrier 0 3
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon 0 6
Current Payouts

Did you know?
A specialty show may be regional or national. A "Best in Show" win at a national specialty show is tremendously prestigious, indicating that the winning dog or bitch triumphed at a contest which attracted entries from the most serious fanciers of that breed in the country or continent. Some specialty shows attract international entries.