Obedience Results - Open A Class

Qualified Scores | Non Qualified Scores
Dog Name ROF DR RHJ BrJ 8+Hf Subtotal LS LD Misc Points Off Total Score
BR Dark Prince Von Ambertal
Doberman Pinscher - ambertal
NQ NQ NQ NQ 6.5 NQ 0 0 - NQ
KB Crown Prince Von Ambertal
Doberman Pinscher - ambertal
NQ NQ NQ NQ 5 NQ 0 0 - NQ

Abbreviation Meanings

HOL - Heal on Leash
SFE - Stand for Exam
HF - Heel Free
LS - Long Sit
LD - Long Down
Misc - Miscellaneous Penalties
Max - Maximum Score

Did you know?
The third obedience title is a UD, or "Utility Dog", which is earned through competition in the Utility obedience class