Obedience Results - Open A Class

Qualified Scores | Non Qualified Scores
Rank Dog Name ROF DR RHJ BrJ 8+Hf Subtotal LS LD Misc Points Off Total Score


BlaznHot Seaside Rendezvous
Australian Shepherd - Passion Storm
2 2 2 2 1 91 0 0 -9 191


BK Yøu A KÏNG°°°Yøu Knøw Ît.!
Shetland Sheepdog - Boodie Kennels
2 2.5 2 2 2 89.5 0 0 -10.5 189.5


Shelmat Ah Chee Stabber
Tibetan Mastiff - shelmast
4.5 4 6 9 4 72.5 0 0 -27.5 172.5


Bloodlines Murphy
American Staffordshire Terrier - King Blazzo Bloodline
6 4.5 7 5 6.5 71 0 0 -29 171


VB Dragonborn at BRK
Doberman Pinscher - chocolateteapot
4.5 8 9 8.5 2.5 67.5 0 0 -32.5 167.5


KBKs Al Bundy
American Staffordshire Terrier - King Blazzo Bloodline
8 8 5 7 6 66 0 0 -34 166

Abbreviation Meanings

HOL - Heal on Leash
SFE - Stand for Exam
HF - Heel Free
LS - Long Sit
LD - Long Down
Misc - Miscellaneous Penalties
Max - Maximum Score

Did you know?
The largest and most prestigious dog show in America is the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, was established in 1877 and is held annually at Madison Square Garden in New York City.