Obedience Trial Entries

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Dog/Bitch Owner Breed
Minna Bad Mood Deepfork Border Collie
Minna Not Safe Deepfork Border Collie
Minna Some Damage Deepfork Border Collie
Minna Stunning Mountain Deepfork Border Collie
Charlies Triple Tipple Sandamarly Chinese Crested Dog
CWF Take Me To Church CallewoodFinishers English Springer Spaniel
Lady Peacock Wings doublel Pointer
BAILEY KISSES sarahschneider0527 Rottweiler
BAMBINO SPAGHETTI sarahschneider0527 Rottweiler
BROWNIE MOONBEAM sarahschneider0527 Rottweiler
MONA LISA FLY GIRL sarahschneider0527 Rottweiler
SADIE SNO-PEA sarahschneider0527 Rottweiler
Subzero Kiania Dawn Subzero South African Boerboel
Subzero Polo Subzero South African Boerboel
Dag en Vallning Brizingr Swedish Vallhund
PP Fancy Dragon Might PPvallhunds Swedish Vallhund

Did you know?
A conformation dog show is not a comparison of one dog to another but a comparison of each dog to a judge's mental image of the ideal breed type as outlined in the individual breed's breed standard.