Obedience Trial Entries

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Dog/Bitch Owner Breed
Jeevesies madstone gator jeevesiesjuniors American Cocker Spaniel
Jeevesies razorgate red spoon jeevesiesjuniors American Cocker Spaniel
MaKu Madrigal Magyar Kutya American Foxhound
WolfeKirk Believe It WolfeKirk Kennel Australian Shepherd
RBH Hullabaloo RockBottomHounds Bloodhound
SiRR Blizzard Force Havok Kennel Brussels Griffon
ESAN Let Me Fly mulderbees Collie
Trinity Blue ^^66^^ Kennel Great Dane
ECC Shearer Johannesburg Juty Siberian Husky
JJ My Dad John Johannesburg Juty Siberian Husky

Did you know?
A conformation dog show is not a comparison of one dog to another but a comparison of each dog to a judge's mental image of the ideal breed type as outlined in the individual breed's breed standard.