Current Entries

GaylanStudio5 21-10-16 All Breed - Golden Retriever

Current Golden Retriever entries for the GaylanStudio5 21-10-16 All Breed.  This show will be held on 10/16/2021 .

Name Owner Sex Born Handler
 Whitegold Interestng Iteration me__0021 Dog 6/20/2021   Flozell Tucker
 Seasar Moonbeam Seasar Bitch 8/3/2021   Jessa McKinnley
 HH Autumn Apple Hamos Hounds Bitch 9/22/2021   Flozell Tucker
 Whitegold The Hamptons me__0021 Dog 6/20/2021   Dan Adams
 HH Jimbo On The Beach Hamos Hounds Dog 7/15/2021   Jessa McKinnley
 Seasar Delta Force Seasar Dog 8/3/2021   Jay McHaney
Bred by Exhibitor
 Whitegold Hard as Ice me__0021 Bitch 7/2/2021   Owner

Did you know?
The first obedience title is a CD, or "Companion Dog", which is earned through competition in the Novice obedience class.