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Author Topic : How does he stack up?
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Posts : 243

9/12/2013 2:07:35 PM reply with quote send message to GaylanStudio2 Object to Post   

I just got this guy:

So, how does he compare to what the rest of you have in the wings?
Am I back, or do I still have some catching up to do?

Lol !
 Shadowstorm Kennels
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9/12/2013 2:42:49 PM reply with quote send message to Shadowstorm Kennels Object to Post

this post has been edited 2 time(s)

Right now, 88's are in the ring with an exception of two-three 87.95's. His head and fore is right up in my alley. His Hind is good too. But Im not sure if he'll finish and if he does, it will take awhile. I got an 87.90 in the ring with almost same traits (expect your boy has a better head) and I'm having a hard time myself. This freakin dog has 11 points with only one major to go. >.< But I say try, you never know if he got enough charisma to get a point. Lol.

Breeding two or three more litters to top dogs might do the trick. I can also lend you a pair of 88's if you want.
Last edited by Shadowstorm Kennels on 9/12/2013 2:47:28 PM

Last edited by Shadowstorm Kennels on 9/12/2013 2:57:21 PM
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Posts : 308

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9/12/2013 3:58:07 PM reply with quote send message to GaylanStudio9 Object to Post

Ok, well, we'll keep trying.

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Did you know?
The figure 8 exercise requires the team to heel in a figure 8 pattern either on or off leash. Generally two of the ring stewards will assist the judge with this exercise by acting as "posts", standing 8 feet apart, that the team walks around to form the loops of the figure 8.