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Author Topic : Achievements Discussion
 Drake Creek Meadows
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5/21/2015 12:56:30 AM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post   

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Hello and welcome to the sister thread of my suggestions post.

Achievements entail so many different things that I deemed that it merited it's own thread.

Here I hope that as a community we can brainstorm and lay the groundwork for an achievements system.

Below I will list out some of the ideas I came with off the top of my head, but this is just a quick list, and in no way has to be what the final achievements system would look like/work like.

This is in need of refinement and additions. That is where you guys, the SD community come in as this is a brainstorming session, and input is highly encouraged.

All who are interested I beseech you to participate if you can find the time.

Suggest revisions to what I've written, add more achievements; there needs to be more than this, suggest other types of achievements of this doesn't cover everything. Anything really, just chime in if you would.

With that, we're onto my quickly thrown together list:

Milestone achievements:
(Occur with pop-up notification, like so; *Milestone achieved: *insert text here*, appearing on achievement page directly afterward as a badge (similar to the merit badges)

25 champions bred
50 champions bred
100 champions bred
150 champions bred
Bronze breeder: 200 champions bred
Silver breeder: 300 champions bred
Gold breeder: 500 champions bred
Platinum breeder: 800 champions bred
Diamond breeder: 1000 champions bred

50 champions finished
100 champions finished
150 champions finished
200 champions finished
Bronze exhibitor: 250 champions finished
Silver exhibitor: 350 champions finished
Gold exhibitor: 500 champions finished
Platinum exhibitor: 600 champions finished
Diamond exhibitor: 800 champions finished

Bred 5 merit dogs
Bred 10 merit dogs
Bred 15 merit dogs
Bred 20 merit dogs
Bronze Level producer Bred 30 merit dogs
Silver level producer Bred 40 merit dogs
Gold Level producer Bred 50 merit dogs
Platinum Level producer Bred 75 merit dogs
Diamond level producer Bred 100 merit dogs

Titled 10 dogs in obedience
Titled 15 dogs in obedience
Titled 20 dogs in obedience
Titled 50 dogs in obedience
Bronze Obedience exhibitor Titled 75 dogs in obedience
Silver Obedience exhibitor Titled 100 dogs in obedience
Gold Obedience exhibitor Titled 200 dogs in obedience
Platinum Obedience exhibitor Titled 300 dogs in obedience
Diamond Obedience exhibitor Titled 400 dogs in obedience

Sponsored 10 all-breed shows
Sponsored 25 all-breed shows
Sponsored 50 all-breed shows
Sponsored 100 all-breed shows
Bronze contributor Sponsored 200 all-breed shows
Silver contributor Sponsored 400 all-breed shows
Gold contributor Sponsored 600 all-breed shows
Platinum contributor Sponsored 800 all-breed shows
Diamond contributor Sponsored 1000 all-breed shows

Sponsored 5 specialty shows
Sponsored 10 specialty shows
Sponsored 25 specialty shows
Sponsored 50 specialty shows
Bronze enthusiast Sponsored 75 specialty shows
Silver enthusiast Sponsored 100 specialty shows
Gold enthusiast Sponsored 200 specialty shows
Platinum enthusiast Sponsored 400 specialty shows
Diamond enthusiast Sponsored 600 specialty shows

Goal oriented Achievements:
(Possible badge or just unlocked text on the achievements page)

Some ideas for this:

Best in show achievements (insert number here next to specific text)
Best in specialty show/nation BIS achievements (insert number here next to specific text)
Show placements achievements (insert number here next to specific text)
Group placement achievements (insert number here next to specific text)

Prestigious: Reached the top spot by prestige ranking

Socialite: Reached the top spot by community ranking

Top Contributor: Reached the top spot by show sponsor ranking

The international: won an international BIS

Top dog: had a dog finish out the month as a number one do all breeds

Show Stopper: Have had ten dogs finish out a month as the number one do all breeds

Legend: Have had twenty dogs finish out a month as the number one do all breeds

(Maybe more achievements like this?)

Going for the gold: Bred 1 gold merit

Eldorado: Bred 5 gold merits

The Midas touch: Bred 10 gold merits

All the Kings Gold: Bred 15 gold merits

Flexible Exhibitor: Finished a champion in 25 different breeds

Adventurous Exhibitor: Finished a champion in 50 different breeds

Jack of all trades: Finished a champion in 100 different breeds

Renaissance Exhibitor: Finished a champion in every breed

(Chime in on writing more of these type of achievements, because there should be a bunch)

Dog specific achievements:
(Appear on a single dog’s page in a side box as small ribbons as they are earned)

BIS (the ribbon changes color as the dog wins more BISs eventually turning sparkly)
Maybe yellow for 1, green for 5, red for 10, blue for 15 and sparkly gold for 20… or something similar to that?
And then the same thing for NBISS? But instead red for 1, blue for 2, and gold for 3?
Perhaps the same for BISS but with higher numbers?
Maybe a special badge for a dog that achieves the highest level in all three since that would be one heck of a dog?

A special trophy for an international champion since it’s so hard to get that

A ribbon for every time they were #1 in their breed, group or all breeds at the end of the month

Maybe a ribbon for every SDWC best in breed?

A badge indicating their GCH level like previously suggested

(Can anyone think of anything else for an individual dog to achieve?)

Lifetime achievement:

This would of course be received by unlocking every single achievement; perhaps it would best be a badge appearing under your name in the forums to indicate to everyone you’ve done everything there is to do in the game and are purely awesome. happy :)

Maybe an achievement for getting all the achievements is a bit much? Since it would be monumentally difficult to accomplish.

Community added achievements
(will be listing the ideas and revisions other users suggest here)

Goal oriented achievements:

'Groupie' achievements - suggested by Mournebrake

Herding Enthusiast - finished a dog of every breed in the herding group

Sporting Enthusiast - finished a dog of every breed in the sporting group

Non-sporting Enthusiast - finished a dog of every breed in the non-sporting group

Hound Enthusiast - finished a dog of every breed in the hound group

Terrier Enthusiast - finished a dog of every breed in the terrier group

Toy Enthusiast - finished a dog of every breed in the toy group

Working Enthusiast - finished a dog of every breed in the working group

^These are temporary names, in need of revision

Brainstorming time:

Alright people time to get those creative gears turning, I got us started with this, but I don’t want to rack my brain too much in one session. This is where all of you who’d like to participate in making this suggestion into a reality chime in now.

Add anything you can think of to this, anything. All ideas are welcome here for discussion; there are no bad ideas here. This is just to get everything laid out and then bring it all together into a functional achievement system that can then go up to vote to be submitted to Jeff and hopefully implemented.

The goal type achievements should have a name next to them, not necessarily the names I wrote, but something like that to separate them from the milestone type achievements.

Anyway, suggest away, let’s get a list together for Jeff guys. happy :)

Anything and everything achievements related goes here; I want to see your ideas, don’t be shy; just chime in below.

Hopefully this will generate a fair bit of discussion, enough to get the ball rolling on this whole thing. happy :)

Last edited by Drake Creek Meadows on 5/22/2015 3:14:08 AM
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5/21/2015 3:02:41 AM reply with quote send message to Analeyn Object to Post

All of the above sounds great so I won't input into the details.

More importantly - will all of these new achievements, specifically the kennel-based ones, be inclusive of what a kennel has already achieved pre-update? Or will it essentially start at 0 from the date of implementation? Backdating all of the achievements may be quite timely. I think it should be inclusive of past achievements, but these updates have to be achievable and there are quite a lot of different elements listed.

Perhaps the achievements could be implemented gradually.

Something to think about...

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5/21/2015 4:22:16 PM reply with quote send message to mournebrake Object to Post

Wow, someone's been busy busy busy!

Great suggestions, I love them all!!

The only thing I can add is how about a 'Groupie' award for an exhibitor finishing every breed in that group
 Drake Creek Meadows
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5/22/2015 3:17:45 AM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

Analeyn, first of all thanks for your input and your vote of confidence, I appreciate it. happy :) As for you concerns, I think it should include things achieved per-update, because it wouldn’t be right that someone put the work in and gets passed over for credit.

I don’t think it would be too difficult to work out from a programming stand point, since the methods for tracking all this information are already in place as well as programs that can go back and dig through records. So I don’t believe it would be necessary to implement it gradually, seems like it would be as simple as adding some variable switches to the code already in place that has a yes, no condition.

Like for instance on the champion count side of things it would simply be a crawler-esque program that checks how many champions a kennel has bred and if you meet the condition for say 50 bred it would activate the yes condition which would unlock the corresponding milestone achievement. If you haven’t it would trigger the no condition and nothing would happen, and then at a later check if you’ve met the condition it would then go ahead and unlock the achievement.

The more difficult achievements to implement would be the goal oriented ones, but even then a simple yes, no condition would suffice for the majority. So I’m thinking that it would be best to get all the achievements together at once so the whole system can be added at once… if it gets added at all that is. That way it will be a complete system with variety and therefore options. That said I wouldn’t be opposed to having it happen gradually if that was the alternative to it not happening at all.

Mornerbrake, thank you, and that’s a fantastic suggestion! Thanks, I hadn’t even though of that, but will definitely need to add that to the list. happy :)

I think putting it under goal oriented would be best, and one for each group, but the achievements would need names of course, I’ll just give them temporary ones for now. happy :)

I appreciate your contribution; you really started the ball rolling. happy :)

This is what I want to see more of, workable achievement suggestions. happy :) We are on our way to getting a completed list.

Alright people, I’d like to get more input from all of you, don’t be shy; get in here and brainstorm. ^^ Let’s kick around some more ideas, and I’d like to hear from some people that have tried for the milestone type things listed above to get your opinions on the numbers I went with. I can’t help feeling like some of those number may need revisions as they may be unrealistically high for certain categories, need some input from those more experienced than myself with these matters. Also, just require more general input for possible revisions.
 Drake Creek Meadows
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5/23/2015 3:06:04 AM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

Bumping this for participation sake...
 CS Astronomical
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5/23/2015 5:21:26 AM reply with quote send message to CS Astronomical Object to Post

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I like everything that has been suggested, but have a couple of questions.
For the goal awards based on kennel ranking in prestige and community-would you put a time frame on how long you had to remain in the top spot, or award maybe once a month to the top kennel in each? Would the award be granted if a kennel was in the top spot for say one day? And would the award remain if you dropped out of the top spot, or would it be a floating award that only appears on the current top kennel in each?

maybe instead of a lifetime achievement-which would probably take more than a lifetime to complete all the badges LOL, you could look at a "versatility" award-getting an award of a certain level out of say 5 categories? This could apply to both kennels (Ch/GCh bred or finished, merit awards, obedience, prestige, community?) and dogs (Ch/GCh, obedience, merit, BISS or SDWC best in breed, BIS?)

What is an international champion?

Last edited by CS Astronomical on 5/23/2015 5:26:41 AM
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5/23/2015 11:37:16 AM reply with quote send message to CelebrationHounds Object to Post

I wondered about the International Champion too.
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5/23/2015 11:40:57 AM reply with quote send message to mournebrake Object to Post

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Any chance of implementing the achievement award for community ranking ultra quick, not sure how much longer I can hang on to #1 spot!!

(joke lol)

Last edited by mournebrake on 5/23/2015 11:43:26 AM
 Drake Creek Meadows
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5/24/2015 2:39:39 AM reply with quote send message to Drake Creek Meadows Object to Post

CS, thanks for your input. happy :) I’ll try to address your questions and concerns:

I think that for the basic goal based achievements on those things you listed, it would probably be best to have it unlock just by hitting #1 in those areas without having to hold onto it. It would be impossible to backlog so those rewards would have to activate upon reaching #1 after the implementation of the proposed achievements system. That’s not to say that there couldn’t be any achievements for holding onto those things for a certain amount of time however. That seems like a solid idea too, but we should have more discussion on the matter to work out exactly how it would work.

I think ‘versatility’ type awards are a fantastic idea ^^, like it a lot, and agree that it’s probably more realistic than a lifetime award, but why not have both. wink ;) I would think anyone who could actually complete a lifetime award deserves recognition just for the sheer effort required. Though I’d also think someone that could do it would have way too much time on their hands. I could only imagine that realistically it would take years to get everything. So having rewards like you described would keep people from getting discouraged doing less and perhaps get them fired up to do more. happy :) It would be helpful if you could come up with the format for those achievements though, like for instance; how many achievements at each level would be an acceptable amount to claim such an award, and what would these be called? Along with what they would be represented by; a badge? A trophy? I’d like to hear more from you on this. I really think your suggestions have potential; we just need to get it ironed out. happy :)

As for what an International Champion is: That is the title given to a dog that manages to win the all prominent BIS at the SDWC, one is named every month, and it is considered the most prestigious title in all of SD. Dog already get that title added to their names, but I figure eh, why not have them get a trophy for it too since it’s so difficult to get it. All the stars really have to align for a dog to win BIS in the SDWC.

Mournebrake, I wish it could go up soon that’d be great. happy :) Alas, I can’t see this happening in the near future. I have no doubt that you’ll be able to get the achievement if a system does go life though. happy :)
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5/24/2015 5:12:23 PM reply with quote send message to mournebrake Object to Post

I like the idea of achievement awards being a rosette. I know in the US you get ribbons instead of rosettes so ribbons are OK too. Different colours for different levels of awards.

Maybe a kennel shaped logo for 'kennel' type achievements, a person and a dog for 'community' type achievements.

Perhaps if all awards were rosettes (or ribbons) the background colour could be changed for various awards and wording around or on the award would be a simpler way of differentiating but simple enough not to have to worry about dozens of different designs.
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5/24/2015 6:49:50 PM reply with quote send message to Dalkeith Object to Post

I'm really liking all of these ideas!

I do think we should revise some of the numbers though - particularly the 'Breeder' Awards and the Obedience Awards. You need to make these achievements 'achievable' to a certain extent - if they are too high and too 'out there' and unobtainable then people will lose interest. The way that SD is currently fairing (in terms of the # of premium/family accounts) I don't think we should make these awards too hard to reach. Back in the day when SD was all the rave we had so many paying players that we could have pulled those high numbers off - but these days SD does feel a bit like a 'dying game' much to my despair.

Anyway = suggested revised numbers for the Breeder awards:

Bronze Breeder: 200
Silver Breeder: 300
Gold Breeder: 400
Platinum Breeder: 600
Diamond Breeder: 800

(I just think that 1000 CH's bred just seems way to unobtainable. I have been playing this game on/off for 9 years and have only bred 315 or so CHs ... that number would be higher if I hadn't left the game several times, but I don't know many people who have played this game non-stop for more than a few years).

Suggested revised Obedience Titled dog numbers:
Bronze: 25
Silver: 50
Gold: 75
Platinum: 100
Diamond: 150

In my opinion Obedience isnt very popular - as not many people play this game for the obedience side of things so the numbers should be kept small. (obviously this is just a suggestion and the numbers can be raised slightly if they are too low).

I really like the idea of the 'finished all breeds of a certain group award' - this is a great idea! It will also encourage people to go out and work with different breeds too.

I've been playing around with the 'names' for these awards - here are some suggestions:

Group Award for Herding: 'Instinct Overdrive'
Group Award for Sporting: 'Working the Field'
Group Award for Hound: 'Nothing but a Hound Dog'
Group Award for Terrier: 'Totally Terriers'
Group Award for Toy: 'All The Small Things'
Group Award for Working: 'Working Overtime'

And I can't think of anything witty for the Non-sporting group just yet lol!

Anyway - just some ideas.
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5/25/2015 5:55:37 AM reply with quote send message to mournebrake Object to Post

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Having trouble with my pc - edited post appears below so I've deleted this one - sorry

Last edited by mournebrake on 5/25/2015 6:00:17 AM
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5/25/2015 5:57:35 AM reply with quote send message to mournebrake Object to Post

I love the names but think the Sporting Group should lose the term Working as its confusing.

How about 'Playing the Field' or 'Sports for All'

I'm an Obedience competitor on SD - it's really hard work to dedicate sessions daily to training obedience dogs - we need easier to reach goals and multiple rewards ie 15 CD titled dogs / 10 CDX titled dogs / 5 UD titled dogs being the lowest awards in obedience. It's pretty easy with dedication to finish a CD but you try training that dog for CDX and ultimately UD - it takes weeks of training and dozens of sessions!

Non-Sporting Group could reflect the diversification of the group, not sure how yet, I'll think on it.
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5/25/2015 6:04:06 AM reply with quote send message to mournebrake Object to Post

Oh and the interpretation of International title is mega confusing for all of us outside the US - to us an International CH is a dog that has gained qualifying CAC's in 3 different Countries (must be a year and a day between 1st and 3rd) under FCI rules.
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5/25/2015 7:38:31 AM reply with quote send message to Dalkeith Object to Post

I love the 'Playing the Field' title heaps better - thanks for picking up on that happy :)
 CS Astronomical
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5/25/2015 8:25:31 AM reply with quote send message to CS Astronomical Object to Post

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Regarding versatility awards....I'm thinking they should be trophy instead of ribbons as they cover multiple achievements. Could also look at having there be different levels-bronze if you reach the bronze level in each category, silver if you reach silver,etc.

For kennels-I definitely think the award should cover breeding, showing and obedience. Realistically, adding prestige, community and promoter requirements would not be attainable for most kennels and I'd like to see it be achievable (though difficult) for a kennel no matter what breed they have. so for a bronze level versatility award, you would have to achieve the following (dependent on what we decide the bronze award levels are!)

Breeding-I'm thinking you must attain the bronze level in Ch bred and at least one bronze merit dog/bitch. Debating on breeding grands being a requirement as some breeds have a much more difficult time reaching GCh much less getting the bronze level being discussed when not many are showing.

Showing-must reach the bronze level of dogs finished and possibly a BISS? Can add a NBISS or BOB at the SDWC if you want it harder, but again, that would strictly limit the number of kennels that could fulfill it. I'm reluctant to have a showing GCh requirement for the same reason listed above.

Obedience-reach the bronze level in obedience showing-maybe for all 3 titles?

For an individual dog, it would be similar. The basic award could be competing a GCh, finishing an obedience title, and producing at least one CH. One would achieve the bronze versatility award by reaching a bronze GCH, a bronze merit award, and a UD-or if we end up adding OTCH type titles achieving whatever the bronze would be.

What does everyone else think?

And this was CS Astronomical, in case I timed out...

Last edited by CS Astronomical on 5/25/2015 8:27:58 AM
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5/25/2015 12:27:43 PM reply with quote send message to mournebrake Object to Post

posted by CS Astronomical

For an individual dog, it would be similar. The basic award could be competing a GCh, finishing an obedience title, and producing at least one CH. One would achieve the bronze versatility award by reaching a bronze GCH, a bronze merit award, and a UD-or if we end up adding OTCH type titles achieving whatever the bronze would be.

I like this suggestion a lot
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6/7/2015 4:41:54 AM reply with quote send message to mournebrake Object to Post


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Did you know?
The sit for exam is a modified version of the Stand for Exam. It is generally used in novice level classes and requires the handler to order the dog to sit and then to move away from the dog the length of the leash. The judge will then approach the dog and pet the dog's head.