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Author Topic : Undescended testicle in puppy
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10/25/2018 2:48:26 PM reply with quote send message to golddogs81 Object to Post   

Hi everyone!

I'm new here, so I hope that I'm posting this in the correct area of the forum. Almost 2 months ago, we brought home our newest show prospect Golden Retriever puppy. He was my pick from the beginning due to his structure and coloring (he was the darkest male of the litter). Our breeder informed us that it was discovered that he had one undescended testicle when she took the litter for their vet exams and first vaccinations at 7 weeks old. She said that there was definitely still a chance that the other testicle would descend and informed me that the great, great grandfather of the litter didn't drop his second testicle until he was around 5 months old, but that it did eventually drop. She gave us the option of still taking this puppy or taking another boy with both testicles already descended. We chose to take a chance on this puppy because he had the best structure, head, a good amount of bone, and the exact deep gold coloring that we were hoping for. He also had the most confidence stacking. He is a gorgeous puppy. He is now almost 16 weeks old and still only has one descended testicle, but we haven't given up hope yet. Our breeder checks with us regularly to see if it has descended yet, LOL. I've known some Goldens who only had one descended testicle until they were 5-6 months old and then the other one finally "arrived," so I'm hopeful that this is what will happen with our guy. My question is regarding some "massage" techniques that I read you can use to try to sort of coax the other testicle down into the scrotum. Can anyone explain this to me? Exactly how do you do this? I'm more than willing to try if someone can show/tell me how to go about doing it!

Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
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10/25/2018 4:28:37 PM reply with quote send message to gaylanstudio Object to Post

I've never had to deal with this issue but I have come across articles similar to what you describe. I can't say if they work or not or to what degree it might help. Perhaps, and this is just a 'shot in the dark', but have you tried any vets or trained practitioners of massage therapy? They might be able to demonstrate exactly what you need to do.
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10/27/2018 12:16:21 PM reply with quote send message to chocolateteapot Object to Post

OK this is a tremendous oversimplification but basically it depends where the other testicle actually is!

Many pups have them up and down, and where one is down and the other is almost in place and easily felt then usually it comes right - BUT I'm assuming that both testicles were easily felt by the breeder/vet whatever at 7 weeks and that both have been down at some time, however short.

If the other testicle has never been felt or seen, I would be a great deal more concerned that it could be a retained testicle high inside, which will not come right. But a good breeder would know the difference and know their lines as to whether monorchism is a problem.

Retrievers are not my breed and I don't know if this is a problem in the breed. I have personally seen it mostly in toy dogs. It was a problem in one line of yorkies, because a particular breeder had kept using a monorchid at stud!!

Crossing my fingers for you and pup anyway!

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