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Topic Author Replies Last Post
open topic GCH Brescia Downdraft has earned the title of Bronze Grand Champion. admin 0 1/10/2025 12:47:44 AM
open topic Ch Brescia Downdraft has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 1/6/2025 12:47:17 AM
open topic Ch Shotput Mission Is Hot has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 11/11/2023 1:54:30 AM
open topic Ch Shotput Impossible Bar has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 11/1/2023 1:41:25 AM
open topic GCH Shotput Glamour Mission has earned the title of Bronze Grand Champion. admin 0 10/19/2023 1:32:20 AM
open topic Ch Shotput Glamour Mission has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 10/1/2023 1:41:52 AM
open topic Ch Shotput Impossible Game has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 9/21/2023 1:32:09 AM
open topic Ch Shotput Diamond Pudding has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 9/16/2023 1:31:07 AM
open topic GCH CH Shotput Star Pudding has earned the title of Bronze Dam. admin 0 9/11/2023 4:52:53 AM
open topic GCH Shotput Impossible Run has earned the title of Silver Grand Champion. admin 0 8/31/2023 1:16:38 AM
open topic Ch Shotput Bubbly Madame has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 8/22/2023 1:25:27 AM
open topic GCH CH Shotput Mission Impossible has earned the title of Bronze Sire. admin 0 8/14/2023 4:54:02 AM
open topic GCH Shotput Star Pudding has earned the title of Bronze Grand Champion. admin 0 8/13/2023 1:30:52 AM
open topic GCH Shotput Impossible Run has earned the title of Bronze Grand Champion. admin 0 8/10/2023 1:24:57 AM
open topic Ch Shotput Pudding Crumble has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 8/10/2023 1:24:48 AM
open topic Ch Shotput Impossible Run has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 7/25/2023 1:18:29 AM
open topic Ch Shotput Queen Of Fanta has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 7/5/2023 1:40:17 AM
open topic Ch Shotput Camo Jewell has earned the title of GCh. admin 0 7/5/2023 1:39:47 AM
open topic GCH Shotput Mission Impossible has earned the title of Gold Grand Champion. admin 0 7/3/2023 1:37:31 AM
open topic GCH Shotput Mission Impossible has earned the title of Silver Grand Champion. admin 0 6/7/2023 1:13:53 AM

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Did you know?
The largest and most prestigious dog show in America is the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, was established in 1877 and is held annually at Madison Square Garden in New York City.