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Author Topic : Top Obedience Show
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5/11/2015 5:01:40 PM reply with quote send message to RockBottomHounds Object to Post   

Has anyone entered the Top Obedience Dog show on 5/28/2015? I keep entering my dogs, it shows 132 entries but when I click to see the entry breakdown by breed it shows no dogs entered in any breed.
Who listed the show? Was it Admin? Why can't I enter? Is it a new 'award' show like the Nationals, with top obedience dogs from each class being entered automatically on show day?

Any ideas anyone?
 King Blazzo Kennels
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5/11/2015 5:52:04 PM reply with quote send message to King Blazzo Kennels Object to Post

i put a dog from my couch in it .
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5/11/2015 7:26:48 PM reply with quote send message to mournebrake Object to Post

KB does your dog show in the entry list?
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5/16/2015 6:58:42 PM reply with quote send message to mournebrake Object to Post

Please, please think carefully before entering untrained (first five exercises to 18's at least) dogs in Novice.

The class is full to brimming every day but the number of qualifiers is awful ie 1 dog Q today, the first for days.

What is the point of entering a dog day after day that isn't trained?

Yes we need more people entering obedience, but we need them to train their dogs before entering.

There are over 100 dogs entered in the up-coming Top Obedience Dog Show - doeas anyone know how this show will be judged? Is it simply another obedience show like every other one APART FROM THE FACT THAT THE ENTRY FEE IS $5 - Remember guys obedience shows are FREE to enter at the moment - but not this one!

There must be dozens of players literally throwing money away entering untrained dogs in this show.
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5/16/2015 7:32:50 PM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolf Object to Post

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Hi Rockbottom - to find your entries you need to go through your dog's "show results" to "obedience trials, then click on the name of the trial, then click on view entries for the class you entered in. I have seen two of your dogs in the Utility B class.

Last edited by Aussiewolf on 5/16/2015 7:33:32 PM
 King Blazzo Kennels
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5/16/2015 10:29:43 PM reply with quote send message to King Blazzo Kennels Object to Post

obedience is free ?
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5/17/2015 4:42:56 AM reply with quote send message to mournebrake Object to Post

You never get charged for the daily obedience shows, hence kennels entering every dog they have that isn't trained!
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5/23/2015 12:11:07 PM reply with quote send message to mournebrake Object to Post

OK I'm seriously worried about the Top Obedience Dog Show entry figures - over 300 dogs entered now!!

Who has entered?


I can only imagine there are going to be a lot of players complaining as their dogs go NQ, they don't get placements and obviously (to us regular Obedience competitors) there aren't any 'breed placements or BOB as in conformation shows.

As no one has said what format this show will take, I'm still thinking it's exactly the same format as normal obedience shows but what worries me is we have a conformation judge, not an obedience judge, so does this mean it will be judged differently?

If anyone scheduled this show, or anyone knows what format it's taking could they please let us know.
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5/23/2015 1:02:01 PM reply with quote send message to Tanglebrook Object to Post

It was the only show on that day for quite a while, and it still isn't displaying current entries properly, so I wonder if some of the entrants simply didn't notice that it was obedience? It is pretty mysterious though!
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5/23/2015 3:57:35 PM reply with quote send message to mournebrake Object to Post

I'm tempted to pull all my dogs.

It's listed as an Obedience Show but shows a list of 'breed entries' (although no #'s show against the breeds).

It's a conformation judge but there is no option to employ a handler.

As currently there are about 30 dogs in Novice A daily and 0 Qualifying, I'm imagining an entry of 100+ in that class will mean 100+ wasted $5 entry fees.

Unless you have a dog trained to at least 18's in the 5 exercises needed for a Q in a class, and needing a first,second or third Qualifier in a class on the day of this show, or an already titled UD dog you will be wasting your money entering.
 Oakwood Creek
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5/23/2015 5:59:26 PM reply with quote send message to Oakwood Creek Object to Post

On the entry page it clearly says

This is an OBEDIENCE TRIAL, not a conformation show.

HOWEVER, if you go to 'add a payout' it seems to give you the option to add payouts for breed/group placements.
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5/27/2015 4:07:06 AM reply with quote send message to mournebrake Object to Post

390 entries - I'm not sure what to think. I withdrew all my dogs that weren't capable of Q in their classes and just left my guaranteed Q.
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5/27/2015 8:09:52 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolf Object to Post

I have only entered 6 dogs, who should all qualify - being sessioned to 20 across the board. I notice that most of the entries are in Novice A, which leads me to think that most of those in that class, therefore in the trial as a whole, are conformation dogs......
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5/27/2015 4:02:32 PM reply with quote send message to mournebrake Object to Post

Aussiewolf - I agree with you. I don't have anything I've just starting to session ready yet for Novice, all my dogs are Open or Utility.

I'm still confused that the judge is a conformation judge.

I hope the massive entry won't crash the obedience results.
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Basic User
5/27/2015 4:08:53 PM reply with quote send message to mournebrake Object to Post

I can't find the entry split anywhere - can anyone send me the link to the entry details please?
 CS Astronomical
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5/27/2015 8:21:55 PM reply with quote send message to CS Astronomical Object to Post

Guess we'll find out when it runs tomorrow!!
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5/28/2015 4:23:34 AM reply with quote send message to Aussiewolf Object to Post

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I have three in Utility and three in Novice B.

Is this what you are looking for Mournebrake:

Last edited by Aussiewolf on 5/28/2015 4:23:59 AM
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5/28/2015 12:22:03 PM reply with quote send message to mournebrake Object to Post

171 dogs NQ in Novice A !!

Results on the Obedience Results thread
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5/30/2015 5:10:08 AM reply with quote send message to mournebrake Object to Post

Were any of the regular obedience competitors surprized or disappointed by the Q or NQ of their dogs at the show?

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Did you know?
A specialty show is a dog show which reviews a single breed, unlike other dog shows, particularly conformation shows, which are generally referred to as "all-breed" because they are open to all breeds recognized by the sponsoring kennel club.