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Author Topic : Is She Pregnant?
 Diamonte Kate Kennels
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2/22/2007 12:18:11 PM reply with quote send message to Diamonte Kate Kennels Object to Post   

My Cavalier, Sophie, is a very petite little thing. Recentley though she has just put on rather alot of weight. None on her face just around her stomach area.
She is also rolling around on carpet alot - she doesn't usually do this. She is one and a half years old, BTW.
I can't think of a time where she has 'interacted' in that way with a male. She sees males on a regular basic at the park though.
My mum also said to me before that she was worried Sophie was pregnant. We were going to get her spayed a while ago but we didn't want her to turn out like our old dog (when we neutered him he became vicious).

of -Dkk-
 Diamonte Kate Kennels
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2/22/2007 12:18:18 PM reply with quote send message to Diamonte Kate Kennels Object to Post

 Beautiful Boxers
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2/22/2007 12:22:19 PM reply with quote send message to Beautiful Boxers Object to Post

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2/22/2007 12:24:06 PM reply with quote send message to Wildsyde Object to Post

You need to take her to the vet to get checked out, and if she is pregant you need to either spay her asap or find out if the breed has whelping complications like my breed where they often need C-sections.

That your one dog got nasty after being neutered was very unusual. The vast majority of dogs settle down and are more even tempered after neutering, or don't change at all. I have heard of a rare dog being affected by a certain type of anethesia, perhaps he had a reaction to that.
 Diamonte Kate Kennels
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2/22/2007 12:26:06 PM reply with quote send message to Diamonte Kate Kennels Object to Post

posted by Wildsyde
You need to take her to the vet to get checked out, and if she is pregant you need to either spay her asap or find out if the breed has whelping complications like my breed where they often need C-sections.

That your one dog got nasty after being neutered was very unusual. The vast majority of dogs settle down and are more even tempered after neutering, or don't change at all. I have heard of a rare dog being affected by a certain type of anethesia, perhaps he had a reaction to that.

I she is pregnant and we spayed her would she lose her pups?
 Rigali Kennels
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2/22/2007 12:35:42 PM reply with quote send message to Rigali Kennels Object to Post

I she is pregnant and we spayed her would she lose her pups?

Good question.. im wonderin the same thing, and how long could one wait before doing so? (ie. how far along would she have to be in order for it to be too late?) just curious... :P
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2/22/2007 12:47:11 PM reply with quote send message to Bespoke Object to Post

Yes, she would. You need to consider with your vet if this is a bad thing or not. It depends on how far along she is and many other factors if spaying is possible or desirable. For instance, as you do not know what breed of dog bred her (if one did) she may be carrying pups that are too large for her and need a c section if you let her carry on with the pregnancy. Could you find good homes for puppies of an indeterminate breed? Definitely take her to the vet and find out for sure what the facts are. Discuss all the options with them.

I second the fact that neutering generally tends to make dogs more gentle or unaltered rather than more intractable. As I worked at an animal sanctuary for several years I have looked after many dogs that have just been neutered and for some time after and I cannot think of a single case where this happened. I am so sorry that you were so unlucky.

I hope this turns out well for you. If she is not pregnant and you do not wish to breed her I would recommend spaying her as soon as possible. There are too many unwanted dogs already, sadly.
 Queensland Kennels
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2/22/2007 12:56:41 PM reply with quote send message to Queensland Kennels Object to Post

Yes, if she wasn't close to whelping. They would just euthanize them during the procedure. If she was very close to whelping they might try to save the puppies but probably not.

The whole idea of spaying while pregnant is to prevent the birth of the puppies.

If you want the puppies the spay has to wait until after she gives birth.

However, my soapbox for the day, if she is still a few weeks from term, I would recommend spaying her, so more puppies are not added to the already horrible overpopulation of pets. Off my soapbox now.


 Diamonte Kate Kennels
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2/22/2007 12:58:30 PM reply with quote send message to Diamonte Kate Kennels Object to Post

Alot of people have asked us in the past if we will breed her as they want a pup of hers - as her temprement is unaturally good! So finding a home for them would not be a problem.
A few months ago at the vets we saw some little cavalier pups in a carrier, they were about 1 week old. And we had a chat with them as we were considering getting one when they reached 8 weeks. They opened the carrier so we could have a look at the puppies. Sophie imediantley leapt onto the chair next to the chair that the cage was on and started licking them and be motherley. Their own dam licked them once and walked off - so Sophie would be motherly so she would look after them.
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2/22/2007 1:02:32 PM reply with quote send message to tomcat1 Object to Post

posted by Diamonte Kate Kennels
My Cavalier, Sophie, is a very petite little thing. Recentley though she has just put on rather alot of weight. None on her face just around her stomach area.
She is also rolling around on carpet alot - she doesn't usually do this.

 Diamonte Kate Kennels
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2/22/2007 1:09:37 PM reply with quote send message to Diamonte Kate Kennels Object to Post

posted by tomcat1
posted by Diamonte Kate Kennels
My Cavalier, Sophie, is a very petite little thing. Recentley though she has just put on rather alot of weight. None on her face just around her stomach area.
She is also rolling around on carpet alot - she doesn't usually do this.


Could that also be why she has put on weight?
 Cleary Farm Kennels
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2/22/2007 1:16:46 PM reply with quote send message to Cleary Farm Kennels Object to Post

DKK In another Kennel -

I will be on in about an hour - going out for tea!
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2/22/2007 1:16:48 PM reply with quote send message to alfadais Object to Post

Her stomach could look bloated and larger with worms yes,
Or possibly a Phantom pregnancy,How long ago did she have her last season roughly ?
My Bitch has just had one of these after her season (although she was mated and didn't tie) she showed all the symptoms of being in whelp,she put on weight,her nipples were enlarged,she became more affectionate,cleaned herself more,started nesting,went off her food the lot !!
You should get her checked out for some piece of mind really,
Good luck,Hope shes ok.
 Carousel Kennels
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2/22/2007 1:56:36 PM reply with quote send message to Carousel Kennels Object to Post

hey, so if the bitch was pregnant, you could spay her, which would kill the puppies, what if she was really far along like only had a few weeks to go, could they still do that?????????
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2/22/2007 2:33:41 PM reply with quote send message to Wildsyde Object to Post

Vets often spay pregnant dogs to help cut down on the number of unwanted dogs in the world. There's enough mixes in the world without bringing more in. Every mixed pup you breed cuts down on one that would be saved from the dog pound.

I would consider spaying now if she is pregnant so you don't have to worry about birthing complications. As someone said, if she's pregnant and you don't know the father, the pups could be way too big for her to birth safely. C-sections cost a lot of money. Dead moms cost your heart.
 Hickory Creek Shar Pei
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2/22/2007 3:00:49 PM reply with quote send message to Hickory Creek Shar Pei Object to Post

Alot of people have asked us in the past if we will breed her as they want a pup of hers - as her temprement is unaturally good! So finding a home for them would not be a problem.
But if she is pregnant you know NOTHING about the father, not his temperament or even what breed he is. The puppies will probably turn out very differently from the mom.
 Running Free Kennel
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2/22/2007 3:04:08 PM reply with quote send message to Running Free Kennel Object to Post

posted by Hickory Creek Shar Pei
Alot of people have asked us in the past if we will breed her as they want a pup of hers - as her temprement is unaturally good! So finding a home for them would not be a problem
Also just because a bitch has a nice temperament does not mean finding homes for the pups would be easy.Most of the times if they are mixes you have a hard time finding homes for them No matter what the temperament.
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2/22/2007 3:21:33 PM reply with quote send message to TinkerBella Object to Post

posted by Running Free Kennel
posted by Hickory Creek Shar Pei
Alot of people have asked us in the past if we will breed her as they want a pup of hers - as her temprement is unaturally good! So finding a home for them would not be a problem
Also just because a bitch has a nice temperament does not mean finding homes for the pups would be easy.Most of the times if they are mixes you have a hard time finding homes for them No matter what the temperament.

Unless you come up with a snazzy name like Labradoodle you can supposedly make oodles of money on mutts. *Sarcasm*


Peronally I would not have the heart to put down unborn puppies let alone living ones, or anything living for that matter. So if I were in this situation it would break my heart and everything in me to even consider such a thing. I would goto the vet and get a sonogram or have a palpation done. Then you must decide what to do from there.

 Heartland KNU Kennels
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2/22/2007 3:57:45 PM reply with quote send message to Heartland KNU Kennels Object to Post

posted by Diamonte Kate Kennels
We were going to get her spayed a while ago but we didn't want her to turn out like our old dog (when we neutered him he became vicious).

of -Dkk-

I highly doubt that your other dog turning vicious had anything to do with him getting neutered. I have never heard of that happening. You should definately get her spayed after you sort this all out. Having you dog spayed or neutered cuts down on the dog's chances of getting certain illnesses/diseases, so it may prove to be a lot better for her in the long run.

posted by Rigali Kennels
I she is pregnant and we spayed her would she lose her pups?

Good question.. im wonderin the same thing, and how long could one wait before doing so? (ie. how far along would she have to be in order for it to be too late?) just curious... :P

She would lose her pups, but if you are just beginning to notice that she has a large stomach than it is mostly fluids and the embryos themselves are only about the size of peas, maybe a little smaller. The puppies aren't euthanized when the mother is spayed. The pups are just embryos and there is no need to euthanize them. A good rule of them to tell if the pups are old enough to survive is if they have fur on them. Not just fuzz, but actual fur. If not, they won't survive because they are too premature. If we had a cat or dog come in to get spayed and the babies already had fur, we would try to save them. Otherwise, it's too earlier for them and they don't have a chance.

posted by Diamonte Kate Kennels
Alot of people have asked us in the past if we will breed her as they want a pup of hers - as her temprement is unaturally good! So finding a home for them would not be a problem.
A few months ago at the vets we saw some little cavalier pups in a carrier, they were about 1 week old. And we had a chat with them as we were considering getting one when they reached 8 weeks. They opened the carrier so we could have a look at the puppies. Sophie imediantley leapt onto the chair next to the chair that the cage was on and started licking them and be motherley. Their own dam licked them once and walked off - so Sophie would be motherly so she would look after them.

Just because the dog has a good temperment or is a good mother does not provide a reason to breed it. There are plenty of dogs that need homes with excellent temperments. Why add to the surplus?

posted by Carousel Kennels
hey, so if the bitch was pregnant, you could spay her, which would kill the puppies, what if she was really far along like only had a few weeks to go, could they still do that?????????
The pups would still be too young to survive if there was a few more weeks more for the pregnancy because it is relatively short at about 9 weeks anyhow, so if you take away a few, that means the pups are only 2/3 of the way developed.

Ok, I'm off my soapbox now.

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2/22/2007 4:55:09 PM reply with quote send message to Raistlins Object to Post

Hi DDK. Would your mom have taken the dog to the dog park and not watched her? Would she have allowed some dog to mate with your dog? And would she have even taken the dog to the dog park when she was in heat in the first place? If the answers to all these questions are no, and your parents are responsible enough not to let your dog run loose, then the dog shouldn't be pregnant. I agree though that unless your dog is going to contribute something to her breed by producing Champion offspring (meaning in a lot of cases that she could become a champion as well), she should be spayed. There'd be no more worrying about pregnancies then happy :)
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2/22/2007 5:40:25 PM reply with quote send message to foreversummer Object to Post

One question. What was the last time she was in heat?

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