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Author Topic : New Breed suggestions
 Wicked Beauties
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Posts : 4

3/20/2024 2:32:05 AM reply with quote send message to Wicked Beauties Object to Post   


I am back in the game after being gone for a very long time and I’m looking for some new breeds to play in.
Im open to all suggestions but prefer breeds that have an sop of 90 and below
Thats pretty much it.
Thank you!!
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3/20/2024 3:57:54 PM reply with quote send message to BarStar Object to Post

How active of a breed are you looking for??

If you want to help a breed out that's lower but not rock bottom, give a good look Chinese Sharpei. I know Linda @ Hodgepodge would love to help folks join her in the breed. There are currently only two kennels actively showing.

 Wicked Beauties
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Posts : 4

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3/21/2024 1:44:45 AM reply with quote send message to Wicked Beauties Object to Post

posted by BarStar
How active of a breed are you looking for??

If you want to help a breed out that's lower but not rock bottom, give a good look Chinese Sharpei. I know Linda @ Hodgepodge would love to help folks join her in the breed. There are currently only two kennels actively showing.


I would like a breed that has atleast 1 or 2 other breeders and that are willing to share a few females to get me started.
Thanks for the suggestion happy :)
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3/21/2024 6:57:03 AM reply with quote send message to Lamel Object to Post

Lhasa Apso. happy :)
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3/21/2024 9:38:05 AM reply with quote send message to ReginaEstates Object to Post

Standard schnauzers are high 80s to low 90s and I would be happy to start you with a female or two if interested. Good luck finding a breed!
Spanish water dogs are in another kennel of mine and they are low 90’s, would be happy to help there too.
 Wicked Beauties
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Posts : 4

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3/22/2024 8:28:57 AM reply with quote send message to Wicked Beauties Object to Post

Thanks Lamel and ReginaEstates for the suggestions. happy :)
 Dreisaiah Hundehutte
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3/22/2024 4:22:55 PM reply with quote send message to Dreisaiah Hundehutte Object to Post

I'm in Briards if you want some blue stat ones!
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3/23/2024 9:53:24 PM reply with quote send message to bsgk5 Object to Post

My family of kennels is open to new players:
bsgkid - Bulldogs (low to mid 90s)
bsgkiddie - Pugs (mid to upper 90s)
bsgk3 - Schipperkes (high 60s to low 80s)
bsgk4 - Australian Terriers (mid to upper 90s)
bsgk5 - [I try to help revive breeds that have gone back to source or missing some colors]
Polish Lowland Sheepdogs (70s)
Portuguese Pointers (40s to 70s with 1 recently returning high SOP kennel)
Australian Terriers (sandy color only - I do not show this color so I'm not super kenneling, just trying to save the color - low 90s)
Affenpinscher (low 90s)

You are welcome in any of these! I try to keep studs up, and pups for sale. However, if I'm short on funds, I do tend to FH pups after a few days, so shoot me a message.

Replies in this thread : 7

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