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Author Topic : Keep Getting Logged Out
 Hawkeye Kennel
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7/6/2017 5:46:48 AM reply with quote send message to Hawkeye Kennel Object to Post   

It happens like every 5th link I click, I'll be browsing the site and then suddenly I'm not logged in! It's very frustrating.
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7/6/2017 12:46:07 PM reply with quote send message to gaylanstudio Object to Post

Not sure if it's the same thing but if I am on the same page for awhile just scrolling up and down I think it thinks I have gone away and logs me me. As long as I keep clicking on something every once in awhile it seems to be ok most of the time.

I think this happens to everyone. That's how all the anonymous Basic postings come about - typing too long.
 Passion Storm
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7/6/2017 1:27:25 PM reply with quote send message to Passion Storm Object to Post

Yep, this happens to me all the time and it's really frustrating. I'm logged in and then when I click on another kennel's page or dog, I randomly get logged out even if I've only just logged in.
 GraveDigger Kennel
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7/6/2017 4:49:36 PM reply with quote send message to GraveDigger Kennel Object to Post

I messaged Jeff about this a few weeks ago. I don't think I have the message anymore, it was something up with my browser settings. Let me see if I still have it.
 Hawkeye Kennel
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7/17/2017 5:11:06 PM reply with quote send message to Hawkeye Kennel Object to Post

The issue is getting worse somehow. I can't click to go to another kennel without being logged out.

Also, I get rerouted when I click some links, I'll click on a dog and end up in my kennel?
 Chaos and Havoc
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7/17/2017 5:45:05 PM reply with quote send message to Chaos and Havoc Object to Post

It happens to me about 2-3 times a day. I'm not entirely sure why it's worse now that it has been in the past.

Hopefully it stops happening soon happy :)
 Little River Kennel
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8/9/2017 9:14:41 PM reply with quote send message to Little River Kennel Object to Post

I've noticed this since we got the new layout, really. Anyone know if Jeff's aware of this or if he's already commented on it/is looking into fixing it?
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8/10/2017 1:13:54 PM reply with quote send message to gaylanstudio Object to Post

this post has been edited 1 time(s)

For the past two weeks or so I've been getting a lot of "Connection Resets" both here and on ShowHorse. I've been blaming my ISP and meaning to reset my netnwork (pull the plug then reconnect) but is anyone else having this issue? Maybe it's not the ISP . . .

Update: Resetting the modem/network as above seems to have done the trick!

Last edited by gaylanstudio on 8/12/2017 8:17:00 PM

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The third obedience title is a UD, or "Utility Dog", which is earned through competition in the Utility obedience class