Show Record - SnD*s No Chain Of Thought

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Show Handler Placing Judge
Mystic Dreams All Breed Show 2 - (Puppy) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(2 pts)
Brenda Moore 4/8/2019
KDH All Breed 30 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Reserve Winners Bitch Bryan Walston 4/19/2019
Mystic Dreams All Breed Show 3 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Reserve Winners Bitch Gregory Phillips 4/20/2019
KDH All Breed 31 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Reserve Winners Bitch Lucio Medrano 4/21/2019
Krieghund Spring Show 21 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Reserve Winners Bitch Autumn Fuller 4/22/2019
GaylanStudio 2019-04-23 All Breed Show - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Ellen Schroeder Best of Opposite Sex
(1 pts)
Ashley Anderson 4/23/2019
Abbott All Breed 72 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Ellen Schroeder 4th in Group
(4 pts)
Jacob Dews 4/24/2019
Stealing Home 82 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Reserve Winners Bitch Mickey Bysshe 4/25/2019
Alchemy 91 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Owner Best of Opposite Sex
(2 pts)
Emerson Shores 4/27/2019
HuntersHill 171 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Maret Gentile 3rd in Group
(5 pts)
Raymundo Vanderpool 5/1/2019
KDH All Breed 34 - (1 to 1 1/2 Months) Bob Golub 2nd in Group
(5 pts)
Betty Price 5/2/2019
Breacan Spring Show 4 - (Champions) Owner DNP Lucio Medrano 5/3/2019
Abbott All Breed 73 - (Champions) Owner 4th in Breed Linda Gross 5/8/2019
Southwest 62 - (Champions) Owner 4th in Breed Marion Clark 5/9/2019
Willowcreek May 10th All Breed Show - (Champions) Owner 4th in Breed Michelle Hamilton 5/10/2019
GaylanStudio 2019-05-13 All Breed Show - (Champions) Owner DNP Joseph Wilson 5/13/2019
Racing The Wind All Breed - (Champions) Owner DNP Trudy Walker 5/14/2019
May 2019 Silky Terrier Nationals - (Champions) Owner DNP Herb Hagge 5/19/2019
Sizzlin Summer All Breed Show - (Champions) Owner 2nd in Breed Sang Wolfson 6/11/2019
Treun Spring Show 19 - (Champions) Owner DNP Lisa Gale 6/13/2019
Rossetts June 14 All Breed Show - (Champions) Owner DNP Paul Perry 6/14/2019
6-15 - (Champions) Owner 3rd in Breed Saul Martinez 6/15/2019
SatinSilk 156 - (Champions) Owner DNP Eric Fontenot 6/16/2019
- Taylynn All Breed 5 - - (Champions) Owner DNP Terrance Lloyd 6/16/2019
SatinSilk 157 - (Champions) Owner DNP Marion Clark 6/17/2019
Krieghund Spring Show 24 - (Champions) Owner DNP Lazaro Carillo 6/17/2019
SatinSilk 158 - (Champions) Owner DNP Elliott Mcclean 6/18/2019
Plus Spring show 17 - (Champions) Owner DNP Amanda Mclean 6/18/2019
June 2019 Silky Terrier Nationals - (Champions) Owner DNP Timothy Mccord 6/19/2019
Seasar All Breed 45 - (Champions) Owner 4th in Breed Emerson Shores 6/19/2019
SatinSilk 159 - (Champions) Owner DNP Lisa Gale 6/20/2019
Korthals 109 - (Champions) Owner DNP Terrance Lloyd 6/20/2019
SatinSilk 160 - (Champions) Owner DNP Andy Astor 6/21/2019
KDH All Breed 51 - (Champions) Owner 4th in Breed Randal Harris 6/21/2019
Silky Terrier 19-1 - (Champions) Owner DNP Charles Wilson 6/22/2019
Doggy Days of Summer All Breed Beach Bash - (Champions) Owner DNP Odilia Martin 6/22/2019
Silky Terrier 19-2 - (Champions) Owner DNP Abigail King 6/23/2019
Harsh Beauty 107 - (Champions) Owner DNP Joesph Synder 6/23/2019
Silky Terrier 19-3 - (Champions) Owner DNP Aileen Ley 6/24/2019
KDH All Breed 52 - (Champions) Owner DNP Andy Astor 6/24/2019
Silky Terrier 19-4 - (Champions) Owner DNP Mickey Bysshe 6/25/2019
Beltane Celebration 86 - (Champions) Owner DNP Jeff Dunbar 6/25/2019
Silky Terrier 19-5 - (Champions) Owner DNP Helen Crippen 6/26/2019
Seasar All Breed 46 - (Champions) Owner DNP Leif Law 6/26/2019
SatinSilk 103 - (Champions) Owner DNP Ryan Juliesen 6/27/2019
SatinSilk 104 - (Champions) Owner DNP Yong Burris 6/28/2019
After The Party - (Champions) Owner DNP Paul Perry 6/28/2019
Jumping For Joy All Breed - (Champions) Ellen Schroeder Best of Opposite Sex
(4 GC pts)
Eileen Miller 7/1/2019
SilknT 159 - (Champions) Owner DNP Shelley Roberts 7/1/2019
KDH All Breed 55 - (Champions) Owner DNP Rosa Collins 7/2/2019
Fintastic 43 - (Champions) Bob Golub 2nd in Breed Albert Thomas 7/3/2019
SilknT 161 - (Champions) Owner DNP Nancy Gardner 7/3/2019
Green County DF 7 - (Champions) Ellen Schroeder 4th in Group
(5 GC pts)
Deloris Carter 7/4/2019
GaylanStudio 2019-07-05 All Breed Show - (Champions) Roxanne Leatherwood 4th in Group
(5 GC pts)
Graeme Vance 7/5/2019
Ballroom Dance With Me 10 - (Champions) Owner DNP Joyce Lowery 7/6/2019
SilknT 164 - (Champions) Owner DNP Blanca Taylor 7/6/2019
SilknT 165 - (Champions) Owner DNP Steven Rice 7/7/2019
Fintastic 45 - (Champions) Owner DNP Shari Carroll 7/7/2019
Born After The Fourth of the July - (Champions) Owner DNP Lisa Harrison 7/8/2019
Seasar All Breed 49 - (Champions) Roxanne Leatherwood 3rd in Show
(3 GC pts)
Wesley Eubanks 7/9/2019
ST 7-9 - (Champions) Owner DNP Martin Thomas 7/9/2019
Seasar All Breed 50 - (Champions) Veronica Sheidt 2nd in Breed Richard Wilson 7/10/2019
ST 7-10 - (Champions) Owner DNP Nancy Gardner 7/10/2019
Grays Summer Show 17 - (Champions) Justin Moyer 3rd in Group
(5 GC pts)
Rogelio Overturf 7/11/2019
ST 7-11 - (Champions) Owner DNP George Wilson 7/11/2019
Rossetts July 12 All Breed Show - (Champions) Ellen Schroeder 4th in Group
(5 GC pts)
Lisa Harrison 7/12/2019
ST 7-12 - (Champions) Owner DNP Steven Bolton 7/12/2019
Seasar All Breed 52 - (Champions) Owner DNP Genevieve Cyr 7/15/2019
July 2019 World Cup - (Champions) Owner DNP Donna Fox 7/31/2019

Entries that resulted in less than Best in Breed are deleted after two months.

**Show dates for entries are updated once per hour.  If the dates for some of your entries show up as N/A please check back in an hour or two.

Did you know?
In the American Kennel Club, a dog needs 15 points to become a Champion, with each win gaining anywhere from zero to five points depending on the number of dogs competing and the area where the show is held.