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Author Topic : Welcoming new players to your breed
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5/22/2022 5:56:01 PM reply with quote send message to ladykenco Object to Post   

I always welcome new players to my breed and most of the time they go unanswered......I have had this kennel for many moons and had this breed since admin added them years back, sometimes I wonder why I still welcome new players when they go unanswered, not even a simple hello back. What am I doing wrong!
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5/22/2022 8:43:36 PM reply with quote send message to BarStar Object to Post

I miss the days of SD Chat.

It's been a long time since I've really interacted with other plays in the game. An occasional message about pup purchase or stud use is about it.

I find myself visiting the kennel couple times a day. Enter shows. Breed dogs. Set sessions on upcoming dogs. That's pretty much it.

If I am feeling chatty, I might check the forums.

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5/23/2022 5:43:23 AM reply with quote send message to ladykenco Object to Post

I shall visit the forums instead, a personal message to new kennels to the breed seems long off on a reply, years back a simple thankyou was ok.....I shall just remember those times lol
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5/23/2022 12:45:35 PM reply with quote send message to Fingerprint Object to Post

I always great enjoy any interactions I have with other kennels, like with you Will. I am still waiting to find out that one of the Afghan kennels I compete against on here is someone I know, hasn't happened yet, though I have friends on here that are friends of friends. LOL.
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5/23/2022 1:37:55 PM reply with quote send message to BarStar Object to Post

posted by ladykenco
I shall visit the forums instead, a personal message to new kennels to the breed seems long off on a reply, years back a simple thankyou was ok.....I shall just remember those times lol
I remember the interactions when DDB were added to the game. It was a fun breed to show. My kennel partner and I were lucky to get a nice one in the drawings to show. If I remember correctly, your girl was kicking butt most of the time and our boy was coming up close behind most nights.
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5/26/2022 5:37:36 AM reply with quote send message to ladykenco Object to Post

Thankyou to you both, yes the good old days when DDB used to be a chatty breed happy :)
So many years ago now, I dont really show now as just breeding lower sop dogs to right the breed where they need it, I had come across a stumbling block with some traits so started with some source dogs and enjoying seeing those numbers where they need to be happy :)

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